Chapter 7 - Ian? Part 2

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All writing is mine but the characters are not.
Summary - Mickey finds another note from Ian.
It's been a year since Mickey found Ian's even paler body covered in blood on his bed. Mickey still hasn't recovered, he doesn't think he ever will. He still sleeps in Ian's shirts every night, Ian's favourite hoodie is the only one he doesn't touch because it still smells like him and he doesn't want that smell to go away. Mickey sits in his bed and stares into the closet, he is looked at Ian's favourite hoodie. He gets up and goes to the hoodie, he takes it off the hanger and hugs it tightly as he inhales Ian's scent, he feels tears falling down his cheeks. He finally decided to put the hoodie on for about 5 minutes because he thought maybe it would feel like Ian was hugging back. He stuck his hands in the pocket and yelled fuck as he got a paper cut on his finger, he put the finger that was now bleeding in his mouth and with the other hand pulled out a piece of paper. On the front of said 'Mickey'. He raised an eyebrow and opened the note. "No fucking way" he mumbled with his finger still in his mouth, he recognized Ian's hand writing instantly. He started reading.

"Dear Mickey, the love of my life, my other half', I hope you eventually find this note as I've hidden it in my hoodie that I know you've probably avoided wearing. I just wanted to leave you another note to remind you that I really do love you and that you were my everything. I know I'm gone but you were so stressed being with me and you can find so much better then me. You can still be happy my love you just need to move on and find another man who isn't a crazy bastard. You were my first and only love and you made my life amazing. Thank you for everything you ever did for me and I'm so so sorry for what I did. I just wanted to do what I thought was best for you Mick.
Love; Gallagher"
Mickey read the note with tears streaming his face, he knew Ian was happier up in heaven then he ever was with bipolar disorder down on earth, and he knew that Ian was watching over him. Mickey set the note on his night stand and laid in bed trying to fall asleep. He missed Ian.
I'm sorry is this is shitty I haven't written anything in awhile and I'm trying hard to get back into it!!! I hope you still enjoyed it -Jaid

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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