1. Snow Lily White

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8 years ago

"It's okay, you got this. Come on, you can do it." Jack encouraged her as he rubbed her shoulders and kissed her cheek from behind. Elsa nodded.

"Okay, okay! I can do it." She smiled and started walking away. Jack smirked, proud of his girlfriend. "I can't d-"

"Yes you can! Now go." Jack pointed to the cliff. Elsa sighed and walked over, with her back hunched and a frown on her face. Her fingertips grazed the bottom of her shirt, before pulling it off, then her jeans. She was now in a matching pair of undergarments and cursed herself for bringing Jack along, who was silently watching her from behind, eyeing her body.

"Jack, I-" she got cut off when he ran into her, locking her into an embrace and running off the cliff, into the clear, blue lake. Her screams echoed the air as she clung onto him.

When they reached the lake, the water engulfed them. They submerged deeply underwater, before surfacing. Both were laughing as she tangled her fingers in his hair and he gave her multiple kisses.

"I love you," he sighed, his heart pounding rapidly. "Forever, always."

"Forever, always." She smiled and sealed their lips together.

Elsa's POV

5 years ago

"Okay. Deep breath in, and out. Come on Elsa, you can do this!" Anna spoke with joy as she jumped up while gripping my hand. My face felt hot and my body was sore.

I felt another strong contraction and pushed, as the doctor ordered. Tears streamed down my cheeks when the excruciating pain was too unbearable.

"N-no, Anna, I can't." I groaned, feeling lightheaded. My baby hit against my pelvis, making me scream and shut my eyes closed,

"Shh, yes you can, Els. Come on, you're almost there." The doctor nodded, agreeing with Anna, as I pushed one final time, before throwing my head back. A loud cry filled the room which made me open my eyes. Doctor Lin was wrapping my baby up and handing it to me.

"It's a beautiful, baby girl." She smiled and handed her to me. Heat rose to my cheeks when I saw that she resembled her father.

"What are you going to name her?" Anna asked, marveling over the baby in my arms. I thought for a moment, as I breastfed her.

"Snow." I smiled and looked down at her. "Her name is Snow Lilly White." Her eyes opened, revealing icy blue orbs, similar to mine.

"I love it! I mean her!" Anna giggled and held Snow's small hand.

Time Skip

"Hey, no, it's alright." I cooed my baby Snow when she fell after taking her first few steps. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. "Mommy's got you, and mommy's never going to let go." I kissed her forehead and took her to the living room. Where we spent the rest of the day playing with her colorful toys.

Time Skip

"Mommy, I'm scared." Snow looked at slide which for her must've looked huge. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to sit on my lap.

"It's okay, mommy's got you." I smiled and slid down the slide with her. She laughed in pure joy and asked me if we could do it again.

Time Skip

"Mommy look!" Snow giggled and held up her math test with a big 'A+' written on it. I cheered and pulled her in for a hug.

"Ah! My baby's so smart!" I kissed her forehead and cheeks multiple times as she giggled.

Snow was my everything.

Is my everything.

She is the light of my life and I know for a fact I cannot live without her.

What up my darlings? I did a twitter poll on my drafted stories and this one, and a mystery one, tied. So, I'll be publishing this one first, since I'm up to chapter 15, then I'll publish the other one soon.

Also, just a round of applause or well wishes to single mothers out there. You guys are amazing and strong and for that, you guys deserve the world. I know my mom does ;).

1. 'For Her' will be republished again. I just made so many mistakes and I realized that I should get ahead of myself in chapters. So, 'For Her' fans, don't worry.

2. Don't picture Snow to look like Snow White pretty please. Well, sort of. Try to envision Snow, at the age of five currently, as Venelope from Wreck-it-Ralph.

3. First chapter of Frosted Flakes, is already out! It's Disney/DreamWorks smut although most is Jelsa. Um, yeah, go check it out, if you want. You can also message me suggestions or an actual chapter itself and I'll publish it ASAP!

4. Um, just a small warning. If I had to choose three words to describe this story, they would be: upsetting yet uplifting, comedic yet serious, and overall just neutral.

Unknown: *rubs temples* that was five you idiot

Me: oh crap, that's five more fucks than I actually give

Unknown: what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Me: it means I don't give a - wait for it - FUCK!

Sorry for the strong language, but get used to it, this story has at least one swear in every chapter.


Comment if you're Team Snowflake (Broken lovers) or if you're Team Darling (Broken haters).

Love or hate, I could care less.

Well, actually, love inspires me to publish my books faster while hate inspires me to edit, re-edit, and re-edit the re-edit making the book better.

Come on, don't act like you don't want to press that little star button. Or leave a comment down below. Or maybe even share this story with a fellow Jelsa lover. Don't be shy.

Anyways, that's it for today.

Until next time, my snowflakes!

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