5. Time For Tea

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Elsa's POV

I was at Merida's apartment for tea. I decided to tell her about the meeting, before I told her about Jack.

"So, THE Helen and Michael Rayvón want to design Snow's birthday dress?" Merida was so shocked, she had to place her mug of tea down.

"I know right. I told them her birthday was coming up and invited them, then they asked me if they can design her dress. Of course, I couldn't deny." I smiled and petted the puppy's head, who was sitting on my lap.

"Holy! Wow, that's so cool! I wonder how it's going to look like." Mer hummed and sipped her tea. Ok, now is a decent time to tell her.

"I saw Jack at the ice cream shop yesterday!" I randomly blurted out and clamped my hands over my mouth. Mer looked up at me with wide eyes.

"You what!?" She furrowed her brows and placed her tea down. I bit my lip and scratched the puppy's belly.

"I-i saw him at the ice cream shop yesterday. Snow wanted ice cream so I took her and then she went to the bathroom and he came in. He was with another woman, I couldn't see her though." My eyes felt watery and my face red. "He had the nerve to ask me how I've been! I mean, who does that? After he left me for 6 fucking years!" I was now mad and Merida noticed.

Hiccup's POV

"Really Jack? 'How have you been?' What the fuck were you thinking?" I laughed and shook my head. I was at Jack's house because he wanted to tell me about how he saw Elsa and stuff. Rapunzel was currently out shopping for who knows what.

He messed up his hair in frustration and groaned.

"That's the thing! I wasn't thinking! She was just so, ugh, and after so many years, I just, I couldn't think." Jack groaned and threw his head back. Poor guy. "But, she was different. She looked, hurt. Her eyes weren't the same. I mean, they were but weren't. You know what I mean?" He looked up at me and I shook my head.

"No, I don't actually. I've never been in your situation." I chuckled and he nodded.

"Yeah, but I felt so bad. And guess what?" I was about to guess when he kept speaking. "She has a kid. A little girl. She looked so much like Elsa and her name was Snow." He sighed dreamily.

"Really?! Just kidding, old news." I shrugged like it was no big deal, and it wasn't, at least to me.

5 years ago

"Elsa White." I told the nurse after she asked me who I was here for. Merida called me saying Elsa was in labor and to get here as soon as I could. Of course, a guy shouldn't show up empty handed, so I stopped by Walgreens and may have gotten a little out of hand with the gifts. I bought her baby girl this stuffed bear the size of my head that was holding a baby stuffed bear. And for Elsa, some chocolates and a few balloons.

"Oh, she just finished labor. Room 304, Giovanni will lead you there." She nudged another nurse and he nodded, taking me to a room on the third floor.

"She's in there." He pointed to a door and left. I took a few deep breaths, before walking in. The sight made me smile widely.

Elsa was on the hospital bed, her hair in a messy bun and face red, cradling her baby. Anna was sitting next to her, while Merida sat across the room.

"Oh my god!" I whispered softly and looked at Merida. "Is that her?" I gasped, pointing to the baby in Elsa's arms. She nodded and snickered when she looked up at the balloons.

"Hic, that says baby boy." She walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I looked up and saw the blue balloon she was talking about.

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