
482 22 3

Jeniffer 's pov.

What is trying to do now  ,,

I called her immediately but  her phone number was switched off

I went faster and drive to where she was

I opened the door to see she want to hung herself with the rope,  

Bby  please calm  down don't  kill yourself

Go away I don't want to see you,,,

Calm down bby don't do this to me.  I beg of you  ,

I just realised how stupid I was not to listen to you.,,,

Please bby come to me we can talk I promise don't to be angry on you again

No it's too late now

No bby how can it be too late when we are going to get married soon and stay together forever and adopt a  child together,,,,

I saw  her coming down from the table and she hugged me tight  ,,

Am  sorry  bby,,, now am  ready to listen to you,,,,

I never cheated on you my love

Don't cry now bby it's okay  ,

He is Walter my step brother he wanted to rape me when I first met you that is  why I was running

I didn't know he  has  been following me and you now he  has a  video of us  kissing and  he is threatening me to give him money or he will upload on internet and gave your  parents

Why didn't you tell me earlier bby

He  threatened me that  he will kill you also

Don't cry now bby,,, I know how to get that video


I took my phone and  called my friend  Justin who is a police officer

Look for  someone called Walter and I will send the  photo on whatsapp

Hit him harder until he  gives you the video he has and  tell him if  he  comes near my  bby I will shoot him myself

I glanced at sumi and  saw she was starting to fall asleep,,,

I put her on bed when I heard a knock on the door

I looked from the window to see  his  step  brother with  ten men. 

Did  he  come to rape  my  bby,  I won't spare him

I called Justin and told him to come  here and arrest him

Sumi  darling open the door we will have fun,, 

How dare he  say that,, 

I called Justin and he told me to open the door for  him they are stand by other police

I opened the door

What do you want you fool when will you stop bothering my  bby

He  moved forward to touch me but I hit him on his private parts and his  men run to him when the  police came and arrested them all.

Do you want me to  write more  kaisoo, chanbaek,, jenisumi or  I mix?

Wild Skin (chanbaek, Yoonmin. ) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum