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Chanyeol 's pov.

I still can't believe he can kiss my cousin forceful,,

I went to my  room and locked it,,,

I took the picture we  took when we were young,,

Why baek why

Why did you cheat on me,,, did you ever loved me even a little,,,,
I love you still no matter what you have done to me but not from today

How can you kiss my cousin

I cut the picture into pieces and throw it on the dustbin

From now onwards I will try my best to move on,,, I won't let him  affect my life,,,

I need to accept that he is just a who're

I was in  my  office when I saw  Jeniffer coming

Jeniffer why did you hide from me that baek was your  brother

He didn't want you to know


No  but  you  have hurted my  brother and god knows where he is right now,,, he  loved you  but  you break up his  heart

Come on  Jeniffer baek  never  loved me he  just used me and you know your  brother is crazy

Did he tell you how he  locked me up in the mental hospital and  I was being given shock treatment

No  my  brother can't do that you are lying

If you don't believe me go and ask him,,, you know I think he is the one who is supposed to be in a mental hospital

Don't insult my  brother,,, I only came to tell you that  I don't want you to invest your money in  our  company

Waooh  you can do whatever your  brother asks you,,,

Shut  up,,,don't talk about my  brother

Did  he  ask you to stop  my investment

No  I don't want anything to do with your  family leave my  brother alone

Well I left him  long  time ago in  hotel when I slept with him and left him,,,

Am  so  happy my  brother left

What are you talking about tell me

None of your  business

Wild Skin (chanbaek, Yoonmin. ) Where stories live. Discover now