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Yoongi 's pov.

Mark  are you sure that  grade one student was rude to you

Do you doubt me yoongi

No  well  I wanted to be sure,,,

Okay then now you know the truth

Why do I feel bad for punishing him,,

Ggrr  I shouldn't feel bad,,, he is just a spoiled rich brat who have no manners,,,

Today was a  very busy day

We had exams to do  the  fourth grade

I finished doing maths and run to the washingroom to see someone lying on the floor with alot of  blood and beaten up

Hey are you okay

I went  closer to see that  grade one student

Hey are you okay let me help you

Don't touch me I can manage afterall  you  told those  third grade students to beat me up

What did I ever  did to you to hate me so much,, all I want is to study and be happy but that is impossible in this school

You  judged me without knowing me

Are you happy now am beaten up??

I will leave this school now,, I won't allow anyone to hurt me when I haven't done anything wrong to anyone

Hey what are you saying I have not asked anyone to beat you up

Don't pretend in front of me,,, move now are you happy now am  beaten up,, go ahead and celebrate

How can he  blame me,,,,

Who is using my name badly I need to find out

Jimin 's  pov.

I have had enough already,,,

I went to the principal office and told  him to call my dad I won't stay this school

Let's talk  jimin no need to tell your dad,,, you  know he  can send us to  jail

I went to class and took my  books and   I remember I forgot and  come with  Nanny Anita 's phone

I called dad and he  picked up

Dad  come and  pick me up from school am  sick

Baby  am  coming don't cry

I sat on the field and everyone was looking at me

When I saw dad coming

Who did this to you baby tell  me

Dad  please take me from here I don't want this school anymore

My  dad  pulled my hand to the principal 's  office

I demand to know who did this to my  son or else I will call the cops right away

No  I will call parade and jimin will Identify who beat him up

Do it,,, stop sitting my  son is hurt
All  students were called on parade and I identified those who beat me up

Dad  slapped both of them and called the cops

Dad  just  let them go

No way  they made a  mistake of  touching you  they  will receive the same beating day and night for one week to learn a lesson

Now  baby  let's go to the hospital

My  dad  carried me and we arrived at the hospital and I was  treated my  wound

Baby  are you okay

Yes  dad

I will change you to another school

Thank you dad,,,

We arrived home and mom was crying when he saw I have a  bandage on  my  head

Baby are you doing fine

Yes  Momy don't worry

Those  criminal should pay for hurting you

I already taken care of that  wify

Oooh  my  poor  baby how  can they hurt my  little innocent baby

Momy  am  fine

I never  seen  mom worried like this  before

Baby I will change you to another school

Thank you Momy

It has  been two weeks since am in  new school and I have made new friends they are so cool

I have a  new  friend here  called  Taeyhung and he is in  fourth grade he is so cool and my  best  friend he won't let  anyone hurt me and by the way my  new school no one can hurt you at all they are  friendly

Today we have sports and Korea high are  coming to our school to  play  ,,,the same school which I left,,,

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