Chapter 40 Delivery room

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Eight months later

●●●Skys POV●●●

Contractions hurt like a mother fucker. Not fun at al, especially when they are five minuets apart.

its like three o'clock in the morning.

Hurts so fucking baaad.

"Babe what's going on?" Shawn asked groggily rubbing his eyes. "the b-baby" I took deep breaths, "its coming"

Shawn shot up out of bed "what!? oh my god, oh my god, oh my god okay. Um let me get your bag and holy shit Cam was right" he was freaking out.

Like bad.


Soon enough he walked in shirtless and rubbing his eyes. "The fuck you want woman!?"

"Baby is coming" Shawn said panicking and getting his jeans on.

Cam's eyes shot open "WE GOTTA GO GUYS!" he yelled.

All the boys came upstairs and woke up once they heard the news. "I think only Shawn and Cam should go.... it soo overwhelming for her guys" Matt said.

They all groaned and lead me to the door and out to the car.

Skip car ride

●●●Shawns POV●●●

Holy Shit.

this is actually happening.

I'm gonna be a dad. Holy shit.

We couldnt go in with her, she had to be alone since she was fully dilated.

"How ya doing daddy-o?" Cam asked. "I'm so fucking stressed out, nervious, happy, scared" I replied skimming my hands through my hair repeatedly. "Told ya" he laughed.

~hours later~

"Mr.Mendes?" I heard a lady ask. I was out cold in the waiting room, "Mr.Mendes?" Cam and I jumped up "huh?" I said rubbing my eye lids. "Your wife will see you and her brother now" she smiled happily.

I hopped out of my seat and ran to her hospital room. Once I opened the door I saw my beautiful Skylar with a pink blanket in her arms with a bundle of joy inside the blanket.

I walked over and sat next to her and saw our baby's beautiful face.

Eyes like mommas.

Nose like daddy's.

I fell in love all over again.

"That's daddy" Sky said in a baby voice looking at me then back to the baby. I smiled and couldn't help but let a few tears stream down my face. Sky looked up at me again "wanna hold her?" I nodded and took her in my arms.

She was just so beautiful.

My baby girl.

Sydney Rose Mendes.

Authors Note❤️

I nearly cried during this chapter. Oh my god the feels😭😭😭

I also need some help!!!!

Titles for the sequel?!?!

I'm clueless rn hahaha

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