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Jimins POV:

Once we all leave the hospital, we jump into Namjoons car. Namjoon was driving and Jin was in the passengers seat with me and Yoongi the back.

We stop at a stop light and I spot a group of friends talking and laughing. Sometimes I get jealous on how people can do that so easily. Touching and talking. Two things I don't do.

I stare into the window more as I feel the car move again.
"Jimin do you think she will let you stay at my house" Yoongi asks me
I turn to him and think of the question
"Mm..I'm sure she will if it's to help me get b-better" I said
Yoongi nods and stares out the window again.
I was surprised at myself on how I spoke a whole sentence with out stuttering a lot.

We drive for 20 minutes more till we finally reached my home. I look into the driveway to see my mother was here.
"S-she is h-here" I said to them.

"Great" Namjoon said as he took the keys out. We all get out of the car and walk to my front door. I walk and twist the nob to open the door.

The door opens and we all walk in.
"M-mother?"I called for her
"In the kitchen sweetie" I heard my mom yell back

I lead them to the kitchen and I see my mom cleaning.
"M-mom" I said
She looks up and sees Namjoon and everyone else.
"Oh Namjoon! How lovely it is to
See you again" she says putting down her stuff
"It's nice to see you too Ms.Park" he said Smiling at her.

My mom spots Jin and Yoongi
"And who are these two?" She asks pointing at them
"Oh this is Jin, he is my fiancé and this is Yoongi, jimins new doctor" Namjoon told her

She gasped
"Jimins new doctor??" She asked
I nod
"Yes m-mom t-this I-is my n-new Doctor, a-and we h-have s-something to tell y-you" I told her nervously
She nods her head telling us that she was listening to us.

Namjoon steps up to talk
"Well Yoongi has agreed to be Jimin's new doctor and there was some rules, Jimin wants to get to know Yoongi and me and Jin thought that Jimin should live with Yoongi, and Jimin and Yoongi are ok with it we just need your approval" Namjoon said
My mother stands there for a second.
"Gentlemen would you please excuse me and my son?" She said
They all nod as they leave the kitchen leaving me and my mother alone to talk.

"Jimin, do you want to live with that man? What if he doesn't help you?" My mother asks me with concern
I sigh
"M-mother y-Yoongi is n-nice and h-he s-s-saved m-me" I said

"Wait a minute what do you mean he saved you?" She asked me
I told her about the incident I had at the stop light and how Yoongi saved me.

"Oh wow, Jimin are you alright" she says as she cups my face into her hands.
"Y-yes mom I'm fine" I said rolling my eyes and not liking the way that she is so close to me.

She lets go and sighs as she went to pick up her cleaning stuff.
"Well Jimin I'm fine with it, but you need to call me every night" she says

I nod happily. I really wanted to know Yoongi.
"Ok, well go pack your things" she says sadly
I go to her and hug her
"Oh m-mom it's g-gonna b-be ok" I said hugging her

I let go and walk Into the living room seeing everyone chit chatting. Yoongi spots me first and stands up.
"So?" Yoongi asks
"She said yes!" I said happily

Yoongi smiles at me
"That's great jimin" he told me
I nod
Namjoon and Jin both say great too.
"Ok well let me pack my things" I told them
"You want help?"Yoongi asks me
I stop
"Yea sure thanks" I said continuing to my room.

Yoongi follows me up to my room as We past my brothers room, Yoongi stops.
"Who's room is this" Yoongi asks me
"Oh t-that's my brothers room, he is younger than me" I told him

I open my room and spot some clothes on the floor. I quickly pick up my stuff. It would have been embarrassing if Yoongi saw my clothes-
"Did you just pick up your clothes off the floor?" Yoongi asks me.
I froze
"Uhh yea?" I said embarrassed that he saw me pick up my clothes so he wouldnt see.
"It's fine I don't mind" he said chuckling

I go to my closet to get my suitcases. I don't have to bring a lot of clothes but it's good to be prepared.
"Yoongi, I'll b-be right back" I say as I leave him.

"Ok" was all he said

Authors POV:

Yoongi walks around jimins room exploring and looking at all the things he had in his room. He spots a portrait of him and his mother with some other person.

"This must be Jimins brother" Yoongi says to himself. He puts down the picture and heads to the bed. When he reaches the bed he feels his foot kick something. He lifts his eyebrow in confusion and looks under the bed.

Right when he was about to check he heard someone.
"Who are you?"
Yoongi looks up to see the same young man in the photo.
"Ah you must jungkook I'm Yoongi jimins new doctor" Yoongi says as he walks up to Jungkook.
Yoongi puts his hand out to shake jungkooks hand but Jungkook refuses
"My brother doesn't need a doctor he has me" Jungkook says proudly and crosses his arms

Yoongi was amazed at jimins little brothers toughness.
"Yea ok" Yoongi said as he pulls his hand back and walks back to the bed.

Jungkook stares at Yoongi.
Why does Jimin have a new doctor? Jungkook thought

Jimin comes back from the bathroom and spots Jungkook standing at the doorway of his room.
"Oh? Jungkook what are you doing?" Jimin asks as he approaches him.
Jungkook at Jimin then points at Yoongi
"Is this really your new doctor??"
Jimin bit his lip
"Y-yes j-Jungkook" Jimin told him

"Hey Jimin I forgot to tell you that I have a dog named holly you are gonna love him" Yoongi smiled at Jimin

Jimins eyes light up
"A puppy!!" Jimin says excitedly
Yoongi nods
"Oh my god I love dogs so much" Jimin says jumping up and down.

Jungkook watched him with hurt in his eyes. When Jimin would talk to him he would stutter but with Yoongi he barely stuttered. Who is this guy?

Jimin stops and turns to Jungkook to see his sad expression.
"J-Jungkook w-what's wrong??" Jimin asks him
Jungkook blinks and forces a smile
"Nothing Jimin, I'm going in my room don't forget to say goodbye" Jungkook tells him as he ruffles ruffles his hair and leaves.

Yoongi watches the scene and feels bad for Jungkook.
"Hey is your brother alright?" He asks Jimin.
Jimin shrugs
"I h-hope he is okay, I'm going to talk to him before i-I leave t-though" Jimin says to him
Yoongi nods
"I think that's a good idea"

Jimin agrees
Then he claps his hands together

"Alright! Let's start packing!"

Im so so so sorry🙇🏽‍♀️

I have been absent and its because we have like no wifi at the house (for now) so luckily i could post this..i hope you like it if not sorry


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