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Jimins POV: 

I stop the chair as I heard someone opened the front door. I listen hoping it was Yoongi. "Yoongi are you here?!" I hear someone say. I began to hear footsteps and a door open. "Okay, so his car isn't here so that means he isn't either." the person says. Holly begins to walk over to the door of the studio. I hear him bark and scratch the door. "What are you doing Holly? Do you want to go in there?" the person begins to walk over to the studio and opens it letting Holly in. They smile and look up at me once they notice that I was here. They freeze before speaking "Who are you?" they ask me. I feel nervous and scared as the stranger stands up straight. "Are you friends with Yoongi?" I look up to them and see that it was a boy around my age with blonde short hair. I nod slowly. 

He smiles at me before plopping right on Yoongi's sofa. He looks at me "What is your name?" he asks me. I get fidgety and look away from the boy. He seemed to notice me being uncomfortable because he starts to look around. "Well, my name is Taehyung, I am Yoongi's younger brother and im 19 years old" he says. 19? thats the same age as me. I look at him. "H-hello" I finally say. I clear my throat "M-my n-name is J-imin" I say. I feel my face flush out of embarrassment because of my stuttering. I see him smile and pull out his hand "Nice to meet you Jimin". I look down at his hand and start to feel itchy. He wanted to shake my hand but I can't do that. I feel bad because he pulls his hand back looking away. I hurry and try to speak "I-ts n-nice to m-meet y-you too" I say. 

He smiles at me before standing up. "do you know by chance where my brother might be?" he asks me. I nod "H-he went t-to g-get i-icecream for u-us" I say. He nods "Well come, we can chill in the living room, I know that sometimes he doesn't like it when people come into his studio with out asking." Taehyung says as he walks over to the door. I feel bad as I sat there. I came in his studio without asking. I stand up and follow Taehyung into the living room. He sits down on the couch. I sit down on the bean bag.   I see that Taehyung was gonna speak but stopped as he heard the front door open. I look over at the door to see Yoongi carrying a bag full of ice cream. He smiles as he sees me then looks over to Taehyung. "Taehyung? What are you doing here?" he asks as he shuts his door. Taehyung stands up "Well I guess you forgot, you told me to come over around 2 to bring back Holly. Since you have been busy." He said. Yoongi thinks about it for a moment before nodding his head "right sorry, how was he with yeontan?" Yoongi asks him. "Still playful as always" he smiles. I sit on the bean bag as I watch and listen in on the brothers. I didn't know he had a brother. The picture I saw only had him in it. I wonder if he had any pictures of him and Taehyung around. I look around quietly and spot some photos on this table by the back slide door. I make a quick note to look at them later. I look back at Yoongi as I heard him call my name. 

I see him beckoning me over to them. I stand up from the bean bag and walk over to the two. Yoongi smiles at me "Were you okay by yourself? I wasn't gone to long was I?" He asks me. I nod at him. "Y-ea, and no y-ou didn't take l-long" I tell him. He nods and points over to Taehyung. "This is my brother- "We already met" Taehyung cuts him off. Yoongi looks over to Taehyung "When and Where?" he asks him. "Well I came over expecting you to be here but you weren't here, Holly goes over to your studio and barks so I thought he wanted to go in. and so i head over and open the door and thats where I see him sitting in your chair, then we chat and introduce ourselves" Taehyung explains. Yoongi nods and looks over to me. I immediately think he was mad since I was in his studio without his permission, Taehyung even said he doesn't like that. I widen my eyes "I-i..I-I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't mean t-to g-go in your s-studio without your p-permission. I-" I try to apologize but Yoongi stops me. "Jimin, calm down. I'm not mad, I was just surprised that you two met already, sorry I wasn't here to help you, I know you arent comfortable with meeting new people" Yoongi says to me. I feel relieved that he wasn't mad at me. 

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