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Authors POV

Its been an hour since Jimin locked himself in the bathroom and Yoongi hasnt left since. He sat there waiting for Jimin to come out so he can at least try to comfort him. Yoongi sighed. He didnt mean anything of this to happen. He didnt want Jimin to feel this way. An idea popped into Yoongi's head as he sat there. He wondered if he should tell Jimin a story. A story he hasnt told anyone before. Yoongi knocked three times. "Jimin?can i tell you a story?" Yoongi asked. He heard Jimin sniffle a bit. Without taking an answer Yoongi started anyways.

"Once there was a little boy who lived in Daegu. He was always so happy and wanted to help everyone. He went to school and had many friends who played with him. He thought everyone liked him, but he was wrong.One boy hated the little boy because he was liked by many, but its wsnt his fault the little boy helped around as much as he can and was very nice, One day, the little boy was walking home from school. He was walking when suddenly he was stopped by a another boy.  Out of no where The other boy started to be mean to him, pushing him and telling him mean things. The little boy was confused and didnt know what he did wrong. All The other boy was telling him that not everyone should like him. He kept repeating it till he was finished. When he was, he whispered to the boy "you better make everyone hate you or else i will make your life miserable" then he walked away . The little boy was terrified to what just happened. He grabbed his things and went home. When he went home, he went straight to his room. He cried and cried at the fact that a student at his school was bullying him just because he was liked by everyone.Once he stopped crying, he swore to make people hate him so he wouldn't get bullied. And what he swore is what he did. The next day the little boy ignored his friends and stayed to himself. They tried talk to him but he just ignored them and told them to get away from him. Once his friends left, the little boy felt very sad, but he tried his best not to show it. His bully however, was happy that he was acting like this. But the little boy was still bullied. It seemed his bully loved to mess with him. His bully would often make him give him his money or beat him up for no reason at all. This went on for many years till high school. The boy had no friends. And was constantly talked about among the school. The boy didnt care anymore because he too, has gotten mean. He was cold and often scared younger students. He pushed everyone away because he knew that this was better . But one day, he met another boy who was kind to him. He didnt care if he was mean or if he was talked about. He still made friends with the boy. He told the boy that he shouldnt live the way other say for him live. He told him that he should stick up for himself because soon, he would have to be strong enough to stick up for someone else. The boy listened to his friend and grew strong. Strong enough to help others." he stopped and heard no more crying just sniffles coming from Jimin. 

"Jimin you must remember that you too can be strong enough to live life and help others. Even if there are some downfalls there are always up falls. I know you might not think that you will talk normally but you will. And I promise you that i will help you. I wont ever give up on you like those other doctors because that little boy wasnt raised to do that." As yoongi had said that Jimin lifted his head from his knees.

"Y-you a-re the boy f-from the s-story?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi smiled a bit hearing Jimins voice.
"Yes, and that boy who helped me was Namjoon. He taught me to be strong and ever since he has been there for me. And so I will be there for you just like how he was for me." as Yoongi finished Jimin got up and walked over towards the door. He stopped hesitating to open the door. He breathed in out before finally opening the door. Once he did Yoongi immediately got up and faced Jimin. He noticed his pink puffy eyes and his nose was running a little. He frowned a bit, he didnt like to see Jimin cry.

"I-i-m s-sorry" Jimin said. Yoongi looked at him confused.
"For what?" he asked him.
"F-for c-crying, and for m-aking y-you go t-through all t-this t-trouble." Jimin said. Yoongi looked at for a second before chuckling a bit. "Jimin, im here for you, its my job to help you as much as i can, no matter what. And as a friend, I can assure you that you have my word." Jimin nodded but then stopped "w-we are f-friends?" he asked Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded "of course, any friend of Namjoons is a friend of mine, is that alright with you?" he asked jimin. Jimin nodded "y-yes its o-okay, i-m glad y-ou are my friend" Jimin said. Yoongi smiled

"Me too"


After Jimins breakdown, Yoongi decided that he should get ice cream for the two. He went towards his freezer to grab some but once he opened it he frowned. He closed his freezer and walked into the living room where jimin was sitting on his beanbag. "OK, there is no ice cream, so im thinking I should run to the store real quick, is that alright?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded "I c-can stay h-here?" he asked. Yoongi nodded "Yep im just gonna take 15 minutes thats it, but im going to take my phone so you can call me, ok?" he said as he grabbed his keys and phone. Jimin watched him put his shoes and coat on. "Bye Jimin" Yoongi said before leaving. 

Jimin looked at Yoongi's closed door. "Bye" he said quietly. He looked around not really knowing what to do. He chose to look around since he is gonna stay here for a while. He went towards upstairs and looked in all the the rooms, which were only about two and a bathroom. Jimin wondered why such a big house for one person. He went back downstairs and to his room but stopped when he saw Yoongi's studio. He wondered if he should go into his studio but hesitated. His curoisity got the best of him and he went into the studio. Now, he has seen the studio and has been in it, but only for about 2 minutes. He didnt get a chance to really look at it. 

When he got to the studio door, he opened it a bit slowly. He looked around before stepping in. He spotted some pictured and went to them. He saw Yoongi and Namjoon in one and a family in the other. He looked closer at the family and spotted Yoongi instantly. He smiled a bit at his smile. He spotted another boy, Jimin thought that was his brother. He set the photo down and walked over to Yoongis desktop. He spotted many speakers around it and one big computer. He sat in the chairs and felt it spin a bit. He smiled to himself and spun around once.  

Once the chair stopped he spotted two keyboards. He rolled over to them and caressed them. He was in awe at the fact that Yoongi played both of them. He remembered that his mother used to play. He closed his eyes remembering the moments he had with his mother before everything went down hill. She used to play for him all the time as he colored or did his homework. He sat there until he heard Yoongi's back door open. "Yoongi? I came here to bring back Holly" he heard a voice. He heard footsteps walk closer to the studio and he grew anxious and scared. The door opened and he was met with a pair of dark eyes.

"Who are you?"


...Hello. been sometime. what? like a month or two. so sorry for that. stuff has been tough a home and ive been very busy with school. But i hope you liked the chapter, its need some editing maybe idk but i love you guys, till next time.


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