Chapter 10- Making a Scene

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"So tell me a little bit about yourselves. Some of your answers to the questions on our form were a little vague, and I think you may have forgotten to answer a couple of the questions entirely." A sweet looking, middle aged woman sat across from Colin and Georgia at the Family First Adoption Agency in Newark.

A sting a guilt assailed her conscience as Georgia looked at the kind, nurturing lady before her. She and Beckner were prepared to put her through the wringer, and this poor woman wouldn't know what hit her. Mentally shrugging, she decided that if this is was what it took to get children back home and kidnappers behind bars, it would be worth it.

Colin responded. "Oh really? Ask us anything you like."

Both of the agents were dressed in rather shabby clothing to give them an unkempt appearance. Beckner wore a pair of worn out jeans and a Hooters t-shirt, and Hannon was attired in a dingy crop top and a tight, leather skirt that was several inches shorter than what she would normally wear. Trying her best to pull the skirt down and cover as much of her bare leg as possible, she shifted uncomfortably in the chair waiting for the barrage of questions the woman was about to hurl at them.

"For starters, what is it you do for a living, Mr. Morrison?" Morrison was the last name Traeger chose for them, and after the multitude of agencies they already visited over the last four days, they were getting quite used to their assumed name.

"Well, I do this and that. At the moment I'm in between careers. You know how things are... with the economy and all." When he gave the woman a quick wink, Georgia bit her lip to hide a smile.

"I see, so I will check the box that says unemployed." The woman made a quick mark on the paperwork in front of her, and turned her attention to Georgia.

Scanning her up and down with a look of disdain, she asked, "And what is it you do for a living Mrs. Morrison?"

"I like to think that I am involved in the arts."

"Oh really, and how is that?" The woman raised an incredulous brow.

"I'm a dancer."

"Oh, is that what they're calling it now?" It was clear that the woman was fighting to be civil. There was no chance she would ever place a child in the home of the ne'er-do-wells sitting across from her.

"Don't judge me! I make good money!" Georgia threw herself into her performance with everything she had. Hazarding a glance at Beckner, she was surprised to see a look of admiration in his eyes and a smile threatening to tug at the corner of his mouth.

"I would never judge you, Mrs. Morrison." The poor woman appeared truly bewildered. "Let's move on shall we."

"I think that would be best." Colin answered for them.

"Another thing that was missed was the question about drug use. Do either of you use drugs recreationally, and would you be willing to take a drug test should we deem you eligible parents?"

"In our defense, that question was a little confusing." Georgia gave the woman a perplexed look. "Would you explain the answer you are looking for."

"The question is....Do you use drugs recreationally? It's not very difficult. The answer we want is simply the truth. Are either of you in the habit of using drugs?" It was obvious that the woman was quickly losing her patience.

"That all depends on what you mean by drugs." Colin scratched under his arm. "If you mean...Do we use Tylenol or Benadryl? Then the answer is yes. If the question is... Do we use PCP or Black Tar Herion? Then the answer is yes. You wondered if we are in the habit of using drugs. What exactly do you mean by habit? If you are talking about how often I'd say...oh, maybe...what would you say, babe?" He turned questioning eyes to his pretend wife.

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