Chapter Five [Edited]

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"Your sister... she... fainted while going down the stairs. Hurry and come home!" My mom yelled through the phone.

That's weird... Liying is a doctor and she usually watches her health and doesn't let her son touches any kind of junk food. Her fainting is kind of weird.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Yi, umm I mean Qianxi asked: "You looked puzzled."

"Ah, my sister fainted. I think you should instantly drive us home." I quickly replied.

"Okay." His reply was quick just like his driving

He drove us so quickly, that I had begun praying in the car in case he drove us straight to heaven. In about 10 minutes, we arrived at my house.

Hmm... my parents' car? A few people's cars too? Is it that serious?

"Hey Lingling, what are my parents doing here? We're not at the wrong house right?" Qianxi asked while squinting at a car.

"Huh? Wait let me wake Pearl up." I turned to the back and woke Pearl up, she looked at me and smiled.

"Are we home already?" She asked rubbing her eyes "it's ok mommy, I can unbuckle my seat belt."

What did I do to deserve such an angle...

"Come on, let's go." Qianxi opened my door and helped me get out

As we proceeded walking towards my house, he held Pearl in his arms and grabbed onto my hand. My cheeks heated up instantly. Damn hormones, I'm over my teenage years already.

"Oh? You three are here early." My mom opened the door calmly.

We got in and saw Liying just fine on the couch playing with Chang An and a couple watching her play with Chang An and a boy in his teenage years playing with an iPad with headphones.

"Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?" Qianxi suddenly spoke.

"Ohh Qian Qian ah, why didn't you tell us about Lingling? I just met Fuhua at the shops and she told us about her daughter but it seems like you two are more than friends hmm?" His mom spoke

"Ge, is she gonna be my niece?" The boy, which I assumed is his brother, pointed at Pearl "She's cute." He smiled and showed dimples similar to Qianxi's

"Haha I'm sorry I didn't tell, it's kind of a rush. I mean I haven't even asked her yet." He took a glance at me and continued "So it's Pearl's birthday today."

"Ah yes, that's why we're here." His dad said "Also to inform you, we'll be borrowing your house for Nan Nan's party tomorrow."

"What? Where am I gonna sleep then?" He let Pearl down and walked to the sofa next to Nan Nan.

"Qian Qian ah, you are more than welcomed to sleep at our place. Plus you and Liying work together right. Carpooling is far better than her leaving with the bus every morning." My mom butted in.

I picked Pearl up and went up after muttering "I'm gonna give Pearl a shower now."

I went up and placed her in her room. "So did my baby had fun today?"

"Yes, mommy! It was great to have a daddy, even if it's just for a day." She smiled.

"Okay now, shall we take a shower?"

"Yes! Can I wear my rilakkuma onesie tonight?" She pouted while grabbing her kuma onesie.

I nodded. She went into the shower and I left the room. I went into the living room.

That's weird, why is it dark here? Suddenly a hand grabbed me from below and as I wanted to scream, a hand went over my mouth.

Then he flashed a torchlight, oh it's Qianxi. He smiled "Sshhh, it's a surprise party for Pearl. Your mom and my parents planned it. So do your part and stay quiet."

We were hiding behind a sofa. It's cramped and my body is squishing with Qianxi's. It's a very awkward position. Good thing it's dark or else he'll be able to detect my uncontrollable blushing. I kept blushing nonstop today. Haiz...

I looked up and saw his serious face. The only time I get to see this kind of face is when we're in the office and are working or when we rushing. But then I noticed something. He was wearing Pearl's Minnie mouse headband.

"Erm... Qianxi?"


"Why are you wearing that?" I pointed to the headband.

"Cuz I'm a gift for Pearl." He showed me a duh-face.

"Er, what?"

"Pearl wants a dad so here I am."


"SURPRISE!!!" suddenly everyone screamed and the lights went back on and Qianxi pulled me to stand with him

Pearl was surprised and happy. She hugged her grandma first, of course, and she said a bunch of thank yous.

"Thank you, everyone." She said.

Everyone tucked into my mom's homemade cake and other food. Liying also managed to sneak away with Chang An to get some pizza. A cheat day, she says.

Then not long after that, it was the kids' bedtime. Liying had carried Chang An away to put him to sleep. Qianxi's parents went home while Nan Nan stayed back as his school was nearby.

"I'll put Pearl to bed," Qianxi said while carrying Pearl

"Goodnight mommy." Pearl said as I kissed her forehead "Mommy, daddy needs a kiss too."

Er, what? No, he doesn't. However, Pearl made a face that was hard for adults to resist. I sighed and quickly placed my lips onto his cheek.

"No mommy," She pointed to his lips "here!"

"Baby, no. That's just -"

Before I could react Qianxi pressed his lips onto mine.

"There... Done. Now we should sleep," Qianxi pulled away and rushed to Pearl's bedroom

I touched my lips and smiled.

[Third person's point of view]

"So Jackson hmm?" Pearl stood on her bed with her arms crossed "I know you have something for my mommy."

"Okay shhh. Come down, you'll fall." Qianxi placed her on the bed nicely and tucked her in.

"Spit it, Jackson." She demanded.

"Yes, I do like her." He whispered, " I don't think she feels the same."

"Of course she does, she just doesn't know it yet." Pearl gave him it's-a-matter-of-fact face

"How would you know that... You're a child."

"I read my mom's diary on her phone, although it was customized as notes. And it was all your stuff like how you like your coffee or your subway sandwich and stuff like that. PLUS do you think a lady would kiss any man she sees?"

"Ohh right... but she is my secretary so of course, she'll write those notes down." He said.

"Trust me. Plus," She got up and cuddled into Qianxi's arm "I like you as a dad for me. I feel like you and mommy would be happy together."

"Okay Pearly, I'll see what I can do alright?" He said as he tucked her for the second time.

Pearl nodded and drifted off to sleep.

B.O.S.S. [Jackson Yee/Yi Yang Qian Xi]Where stories live. Discover now