iDeK i just wanted to update but didnt know what to write

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"Who has the biggest impact in your life"


Mae:*blinks* yeah we won't talk about that

CZ: A lot of people do, Zenith, Nicky and Eve, , Rika, even Del and Rythian, considering they're, well, what they are...

Katio:*coughs loudly* ahEM

CZ:*rolls her eyes* , buuuuuuut if I had to choose the most important..*blushes lightly* I'm 110% sure it's Sudoki, if it wasn't for him I never would have known what true happiness felt like.

Katio: awww smol child

CZ:*grumbles* leave me alone

Kuro:!Momo! She's taught me everything I know, she's awesome!!

Momo:*blushes a little* I wouldn't exaggerate it that much

Aiko:*mumbles* machi...

Machi:*smirks*i didn't quite catch that~~

Aiko: s-shut up

Shima: I mean I kINDA WOULDNT BE HERE IF CECILIA DIDNT DRAG ME OUT HER AS A VESSEL- but then again if she didn't, then I wouldn't have met D-dean *grins like a child*

Hikari:*eyebrow raise* uhm my parents l¿ is that even a question

Mae:*shrugs* dont look at me

Taeko: *mumbles* Amelia...

Elliot:*eyes Him and sighs* ..

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