Camp Love Chapter 2 : Lost in You

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Meanwhile at Blue Team's classroom

" Hello everyone ! Welcome to camp !  " said Professor Oak while smiling

" Hello Professor Oak ! " everyone replied.

The door suddenly opens and making a big sound. 

"EEEEEK !!! " all the girls screamed and went to hide behind the boys. 

Serena and Miette went to hide behind Ash.


All of the girls were looking at Serena, and laughing at her. Serena was really embarrassed.

" Yeah, you're the one that should find another boy. " Miette replied quietly as Shauna came in the classroom.

" I'm soo sooo sooo sorry ! I'm really bad with doors. " Shauna apologizing. 

" It's OK, have a seat next to Ash. " Professor Oak replied while pointing to her desk.

Shauna sat down next to Ash, and said " Hi, I'm Shauna ! " 

" Hey ! I'm Ash ! Really nice to meet you ! " Ash replied.

" OK ! I just got a message from the professor, and we got our location where we will Camp out Tonight ! " Oak said.

" CAMP OUT !? " everyone shouted.

" Yes, Camp Out ! It's only for a day, all the other days will be in your cabins. In the Blue team we have: 16 People - 12 Girls and 4 Boys, so each boy has to have 3 girls on his group! Boys are the leaders of the group. Understand everybody? " Oak said.

" Yes !! " everyone replied.

Everyone is running around, while Serena and Miette are standing near Ash 

" Ash, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, can I be in your group? " the girls asked.

" Sur.." Ash said, but was interrupted.

" HEY, Buzz off ! " Serena said to Miette.

" YOU BUZZ OFF ! " Miette Replied !

" Shauna wanna be on my group? " Ash asked Shauna

" Sure ! " Shauna replied

Serena and Miette just stand there looking at Ash.

" Serena, why don't you join my group too? " Ash asked.

" Yes ! " Serena replied.

" Can i Join too please? " Miette asked.

" Sure ! Now we have a group" Ash said.

Serena was just dreaming of that moment when she will sleep next to Ash !

7 Hours Later

" Okay groups, set up your tents. " Oak said.

Everyone was setting up their tents close to each other, while Ash, Serena, Miette and Shauna were setting up far away.

" OK, who is sleeping next to who? " Miette asked.

" Can i sleep on the side? " Shauna asked.

" Yeah sure, ill sleep right next to you. " Ash replied.

Serena Suddenly said: " I'm sleeping here ! " 

She choose next to Ash 

" Um Ash, i forgot my sleeping bag, i see your is pretty big, can i sleep with you? " Miette asked while looking at Serena.

Serena Was shocked

" Uh.. sure. Why not? " Ash said.


" Already? Hey let's play truth or dare ! " Shauna suggested.

" Yeah! Alright ! " Serena replied.

" Truth Or Dare Serena " Miette said.

" BOTH ! " Serena replied.

Miette started to giggle and said: " Is it true that you Love Ash? "

Serena didn't knew what to do, and she said : " Give.. me dare first. "

" Kiss Ash. " Miette said.

" ....mhm...." Serena replied.

" Or i will... ! " Miette said.

Serena started to blush.

" You snooze you lose ! Ash come closer. " Miette asked.

" OK.. " Ash replied.

*Miette Kisses Ash In the lips*

" Woah... " Ash said.

" Goodnight... " Serena said while going to her sleeping bag.

" We should go too .." Shauna said.

Everyone just went to sleep, : Shauna is sleeping, Miette is hugging Ash and sleeping, Ash is thinking about Serena and Miette and fake sleeping, and Serena is quietly crying. 

Serena stood up and went outside near the lake.

" Serena? Where.. where are you going? " Shauna asked.

" Outside..." She replied.

Serena sat on the bridge and thinking about Ash..

" What's wrong ? " Shauna asked.

" Oh, hey.. *sigh*, why didn't i just kiss him? " she replied

" That bothers you? " she asked.

" Yeah.. you see... I liked Ash ever since we met in camp once.. " Serena Said while crying.

" Don't cry.. i know it's hard to see your crush being in love with someone else, but you should do this:

As Shauna is giving advice to Serena how to win back Ash, this is...


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