Camp Love Chapter 3 : Jealousy

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As Serena and Shauna were talking for 2 hours, they went to the tent where they found Miette and Ash both awake, hugging.   

" Where were you girls? " Ash asked Serena and Shauna

" That's a secret ! " Both of the girls replied together.

" Let's play Truth and Dare once again ? " Shauna asked.

" YES! " Miette answered.

Miette looked at Serena, but Serena was smiling.

" Truth or Dare Ash ? " Shauna Asked.

" Dare ! " He replied.

" Go to The Forest with Miette for 30 Minutes " Shauna said.

" SHAUNA.. WHAT ARE.."  Serena said.

Shauna Winks at Serena.

"Oh.." Serena said.

" Ok... Ill go. " Ash said

" Ill of course go too! " Miette answered while hugging Ash.

Serena Blushed, while Shauna just rolled her eyes. Miette and Ash went into the forest and Shauna and Serena followed them. And suddenly they stop.

"Ash.." Miette said.

"What's wrong sweetie? " Ash replied.

"SWEETIE?!" Serena whispered to Shauna

Serena almost started to cry again.

"Ash... will you be... my boyfriend? " Miette asked.

Serena Ran Away Crying, while Shauna stayed and listened to their conservation.

" Serena! Come back ! " Shauna said quietly.

" Yes, i love you !! " Ash Replied.

*Kisses each other*

"Serena won't like this... " Shauna said to herself.

And Shauna ran to the tent where she found Serena crying.

" Serena... they... they... are .. going out. He said... yes....... " Shauna said to Serena.

" I don't care.. " Serena Replied.

" Wait.. WHAT?! " Shauna asked.

" He.. *sobs* hurts me every time. I hate him!! I NEVER WILL SPEAK TO HIM EVER AGAIN!! " Serena Yelled.

"Serena..." Shauna said.

" Sleep next to me. I can't sleep next to that jerk! '' Serena replied.

" OK, if that's what you want..." Shauna said *sigh*

They talked all night , while those two returned before sunrise.

" Were back! " Miette said.

" They are sleeping! Shush! " Ash said.

They all fell asleep... few hours later....


" Ugh... I hate Mornings... " Serena said to Shauna.

" Same Here.. " Shauna replied.

" Good Morning Sweetie " Miette said to Ash.

" Morning *kiss* " Ash replied.

The gang is doing basic morning stuff, like brushing teeth..

" Let's go Serena " Shauna said to Serena

Everyone Left To The Cabins, and near the entrance, Professors are giving people keys to their cabins. It's optional, with who you want to be.

" Hi Serena " " Hi Shauna " said Clemont, Bonnie, Tierno and Trevor on the same time.

" Hi Guys " Serena and Shauna replied at the same time. 

" This is Shauna " " This is Serena " both girls introduce their gangs to each other. 

Everyone started laughing.

" Say Serena, Where's Ash? " Clemont Asked.

" I don't care. " Serena Replied, as Ash and Miette comes to the gang.

" Hey Guys! " Ash said.

" Hey ! " Bonnie,Trevor, Tierno, Clemont and Shauna replied.

" Hi Serena " Ash said

Serena just ignored.

"Why don't we ALL be roommates? There is an extra large room for 8 People. !! " Shauna suggested.

"That's a great idea! " Clemont replied. 

Everyone agreed.

"We are soo lucky ! Only this Extra large room was left.!! " Shauna said.

When everyone got in the room...

" Are... " Shauna said.

" You.. " Clemont said.

'' KIDDING ME!? There only two beds ! " Serena shouted.

" Oh.. There is one here too, but it's only for 2, so Me and Bonnie will take it." Clemont said.

" Me, Shauna and Trevor are taking this bed for 3 " Tierno said.

" You got to be kidding me..." Serena said.

" I'm soo sorry.. " Shauna said to Serena.

" Guess Me, Serena and Miette are taking this one! " Ash said.

" I'm not sleeping with a snake! " Miette said.

" Look at the mirror, and you will see a big fat snake! " Serena Replied Mad.

" OK stop fighting and start unpacking.! " Ash Said.

Serena Left the Room. As Shauna was Running after Serena.

" Wait up! Where are you going!? " Shauna asked

" I'm going to look if there is a free room, maybe it will be my lucky day." Serena replied.

"Serena.. why?" Shauna said.

" I won't sleep next to him!! " Serena replied.


" Let's go get that! We can even be in it together " Serena said.

" *sigh* fine." she replied


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