Camp Love Chapter 7 : All On Hope

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.....Everything Was Just Too Sudden For Me...... I never wanted this to happen.... but.....

????: ASSSH!!! 

Ash turns around and sees a smiling Misty with her Marill

Ash: MISTY!!! Oh my gosh, it's really you!

Serena looks confused and heavy thoughts are bothering her

Misty: Ash It's Been A Long While since we last saw each other! I saw you on TV, when you were in the Unova League! 

Ash: Yeah, heh. I didn't win though. 

Bonnie: Ehem...

Ash: Oh Right! Let Me Introduce you! This Is Serena, Clemont & Bonnie ! I'm travelling with them !

Serena: .. Hello.

Bonnie: Hey!! Your Marill is so cute !!

Clemont: Hello there, it's an honor to meet someone who travelled with Ash Before! 

Misty: Yeah... those day were amazing... anyways... Ash, can I talk with you in private?

Serena started to worry that Misty is going to ask Ash to travel with her, or even worse... ASK HIM OUT!

Ash: Umm... Sure?

Ash and Misty were going to the forest to talk alone, but Serena decides to follow them and eavesdrop on them. 

Serena *whispers to herself* : If they going to talk about something important and won't tell us about it, i'm going to find out myself.

Ash: Misty, Why are we going so deep in the forest?

Misty: Ash.. Listen.. 

Ash: Hm?

Misty: Ash, Do you want to know how i founded you in this camp?

Ash: Well... yeah.

Serena doesn't want to miss a single word they say, so she listens really carefully in the bushes.

Misty: Remember That Day We Crossed Paths With Brock In Kanto? That Day was the saddest day of my life, i felt so lonely being all alone.. when i arrived at the gym my sisters were already gone on their trip to Unova, and they only left a note saying: BE BACK IN 6 MONTHS. I was crushed. I was alone with my Pokemon at the gym, accepting challengers for about the time you came back from Hoenn... about 5 Months. And had a call from your mother, i answered and she said that you are coming home, and asked if i wanted to visit, i quickly said yes, leaving the gym unattended. And When I actually saw you back there, i wanted to travel with you again.. but AGAIN, like always when a happy chance comes, my sisters come back and they want me back home, but we still travelled together for a day.. till we crossed paths again.... ever since i never saw you... then, when i was bored, i was watching TV, and it was showing the Unova League! You were A participant! I was so happy to see you... at least on TV.... and when the League was over, i thought you were coming home... So I waited like 1 month, cause there were a lot of challengers at the gym, and i toke a week off, so i could come see you again! But when i came... your mom said you already left for Kalos... then 2 weeks later, i was reading my newspaper... and saw this Camp that is going to be held in Kalos, and i searched for the Participant list and you were on the list! That Camp was going to start in 1 Week! So I booked the earliest flight to Kalos and now... 

Ash: You did all of this.. just to see me...?

Misty: Yes... cause...

Serena couldn't take it anymore and ran away, trying to not to cry.

Serena's Thoughts: I CAN'T TAKE THIS, he DITCHED ME AGAIN... How Can I LIVE WITH THAT. My dream boy is making my life a nightmare! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM!!!!


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