Chapter 1

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Ok! So this is my Camp NaNo novel that I wrote in a month. I finished one day early but I didn't put it into chapters so this is what I deemed the 'first chapter'. Also, please note that this in no way shape or form is meant to be taken seriously. It's supposed to be a romance/horror story but I think it turned out a bit more romance/comedic. Anyway, I'm not asking for someone to critique it. Just laugh at how horrible it is.

The picture on the side is of Caroline.


Panic was everywhere, screaming and shouting. Pure chaos. No one could figure out what was going on. You could hear some cry out to loved ones and others’ screeches of terror as they were bitten. The zombie apocalypse had started and no one knew how.


Caroline had just woken up in the middle of the night having heard the yelling outside from the neighbors. She was in a nightgown, off white and little pink flowers with matching slippers.

She got up quickly and slid on the slippers, running downstairs. Caroline was only 23 and lived alone with a dog. Who knew what was going on outside?

Her small jack-russell terrier, Chewy, ­­–because he reminded her of a chewy chocolate chip cookie– was barking at the front door as some faces pressed in on the windows, moaning and clawing.

 Caroline stopped when she saw the decayed faces of her neighbors, frozen in shock. What had happened to them?

 Chewy kept on barking and snarling which only upset the zombies more. They moaned and groaned louder trying to force their way in. This caused more of the living dead to be attracted to the house and some had started moving to the living room window.

 Mumbling incoherent words to herself, Caroline started to get a grip when her next door neighbor, the elderly Mrs. Wildenstone, had broken a small crack in the window. She looked around for something she could use as a weapon, anything.

 She ran over to the coat closet, Chewy’s barking getting louder the whole time, and wrenched open the door. Caroline fumbled in the darkness, her only source of light the lamp outside her door. Some of the jackets got entangled around her and she let out a small scream, thinking something was attacking her.

 When she realized it was only a coat she cast it aside, diving deep into the depths of the closet once more. Caroline came to the conclusion that her only form of defense was an umbrella, a few hangers, and a bright orange, winter parka.

 Mrs. Wildenstone and the neighbors had already started to break their way through the glass window, their snapping jaws and low moans making them sound horrifying. They all looked decomposed, like they’d been dead for years when only mere hours ago Caroline’s neighbor’s had all been alive and breathing.

 Chewy the jack-russell terrier was having a field day, snapping at the ankles of the zombies trying to shove their way in though doing absolutely no damage what so ever other than causing them to temporarily lose their balance.

 Caroline pulled on the orange parka, realizing that there was no way she could possibly stay in her own home for it was about to be overrun by her dead-yet-somehow-alive neighbors. What had even caused them to become this way? They all kept reaching out to her as though they wanted to rip her apart and spread her on a buffet table.

 She licked her lips nervously and adjusted the umbrella as though it were a baseball bat. Caroline stared at the oncoming zombies before charging at the decaying figures that had blood smeared on their lips and clothes in tatters. She smacked poor Mrs. Wildenstone across the face, causing the elderly living dead neighbor to topple back into the crowd of zombies shuffling along to break right onto her living room floor.

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