Chapter 7

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Yeah I'm too lazy so here's the rest not separated up into chapters :P


All of them filed out the front door, the bell ringing out into the night. Big D was in front as usual with Alicia behind him, then Caroline and Jackson. The girls were in the middle because the men still felt that they hadn’t learned how to defend themselves well enough.

“Ok, where do you think he went?” Big D asked blatantly, glancing up and down the road.

Alicia was eager to impress the group by helping out as much as possible. “Maybe the library? A bunch of hardback books would make great throwing weapons and it offers quite a nice place to hide out. Just no food,” she said, smiling proudly.

“Yes but he’s a kid. Do you think he actually thought it out logically like that?” Caroline asked.

Jackson shrugged. “He did seem pretty confident about going off on his own or at least just getting away from us. Ethan might be smart enough to think of it.”

Big D started towards the library. “No harm in checking it out. I mean he could be there,” he said trying to look in all the dark nooks and crannies.

“Yeah…” Alicia trailed off. She dug through her pockets until she pulled out her key ring. It held the key to the store, a key to the car out back, a couple little key chains, and most importantly her mini flashlight. “Hey, do you think this could help at all?” she asked taking a few minutes to pry her flashlight off the key ring and handing it to Big D. “I know it’s small…but.” She shrugged.

Big D smiled gratefully when Alicia gave him the flashlight. “Yeah it’s small but we can work with this. It shines brightly,” he told her as he clicked it on, looking around as they walked towards the library.

Jackson was carrying the flashlight from the jeep in the back, feeling that they’d be more likely to be attacked from behind because they could walk faster than the zombies.

Caroline sighed slightly as she held the knife tightly, wanting to check on Ethan but not thinking he’d be at the library and not wanting to run around in the dark when they didn’t think through where he could be.

As they approached the library Jackson held up the flashlight to the sign. “We’re here,” he announced and they walked in through the door.

Alicia smiled slightly and flicked the lights on. “Well…now there’s light,” she said as they were all somewhat blinded by the lights suddenly coming on.

Caroline wandered forward and a loud thump came from upstairs, like someone had pushed one of the shelves and it didn’t fall completely but got stuck against the wall.

“What was that?” Jackson asked sounding a bit panicked by the tone of his voice.

“That was a plane landing on top of the building,” Caroline responded sarcastically without even thinking about it. She was practically using it to cover up the fear of what may lay upstairs.

“Caroline, shut up,” Big D said as he brushed past her holding his gun at the ready.

Caroline pulled a face. “Sorry!” she squeaked as everyone ran past her. She caught Jackson’s arm as he brought up the rear. “What is going on?” she hissed, the fear starting to show on her fear.

Jackson offered her a weak smile. “I’m not really sure but I do think that we can handle it. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” he reassured her and grabbed her hand, rushing them upstairs to join Alicia and Big D.

Alicia turned around to look at them as they rejoined them. “Something’s blocking the door,” she said her brown eyes looking concerned and scared.

Big D was in the middle of trying to shove his way through the door. Caroline frowned, watching him.

“Are you sure it isn’t a pull door? Not a push door?” she asked walking over and pushing Big D aside.

She pulled the door open it not locked at all. While the door opened easily what had been supposedly blocking it was really one of the shelves of books leaned against the door and it came crashing down upon them.

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