Chapter 2

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Hey hey hey! It's chapter two :D The picture on the side is of Big D C:


Caroline looked back at Big D who was staring intently at the house. From afar you could see a shadowy figure though it was impossible to tell if it was a zombie or an actual person.

“C’mon, we need to get a closer look,” Big D said not taking his eyes away from the house. He started to drive slowly closer to the house, not wanting to draw too much attention to them.

Caroline sat next to Big D in the passenger seat with her hands folded as she prayed to whatever was out there that Jackson was all right. She and Jackson had talked about getting married since they’d been dating for almost three years now. Caroline didn’t think she could cope if he died.

Big D pulled up right next to his house, where a giant hole was where a window had been. It looked like Jackson had been in the same situation as Caroline had been though there were no living zombies seen, only ones that had their skulls busted in.

He rolled down the window of the jeep and leaned out. “Jackson?” he called softly, but loud enough that if Jackson were still alive he would hear it. Big D frowned slightly when the figure turned to them but made no noise.

“J-Jackson?” Caroline called feebly from the passenger seat, wanting desperately for her boyfriend to still be alive.

 The figure stumbled forward and Big D made a grab for his knife. 

“Caroline!” It shouted sounding relieved as the figure ran towards the car, almost tripping a couple times.

 Big D sighed slightly and set the knife down. Zombies couldn’t talk, only moan and groan after their victims. Caroline grinned happily; wrenching open the car door as Jackson clambered in. 

“Jackson!” she said, her tears of sadness turning into those of happiness. Caroline pulled him close even though they were already in a bit of a tight fit with him trying not to fall on her.

Jackson smiled softly and hugged Caroline tightly, hardly daring to believe that his girlfriend was in his arms once more. He kissed the top of her head despite being hunched over in the car. 

Big D smiled weakly and rolled up his window. “Alright, I know you’re glad to be alive but we really shouldn’t stick around here too long,” he told them. “Jackson, you can sit in the back with the dogs while we try to figure something out.”

Jackson looked up at Big D and nodded slightly, a small smile on his face that wouldn’t go away. “Ok.” He glanced at the back seat and saw Chewy and Spike. “Er, is the dog…?” 

“Yes. The dog is fine,” Caroline answered, looking up at Jackson with a soft smile. Jackson nodded slightly before clambering into the backseat, almost kicking Big D in the face as he tried to avoid hitting his girlfriend. 

Caroline turned around in her seat to watch Jackson, wanting to make sure that he really was ok and this wasn’t all just a dream. Jackson settled in the middle of the backseat, staring fearfully at Spike who was sniffing him all over the place. Chewy, having already been used to him just plopped down with his head in Jackson’s lap.

 Big D started to pull back out onto the street, looking rather tired and drained now that things had calmed down. The adrenaline in all of them was starting to wear off. Caroline yawned slightly and relaxed back into the seat, wanting badly to go back to bed and pretend this was all just a nightmare. She would wake up tomorrow and everything would be fine.

 Jackson reached out and grabbed her hand that was hanging over the side of the seat. Caroline smiled slightly and turned around again to look at Jackson. He gave her a small smile and stroked her hand gently with his thumb, just glad to be with her.

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