Chapter 5

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Hey y'all! Another chapter to my NaNo novel! Picture on the side is of Ethan.


Caroline yawned slightly as she woke up the next morning smiling a little as she noticed she was in Jackson’s arms. For a moment she didn’t even remember having to kill Old Man Watson and her neighbors turning into zombies. She didn’t even pay attention to her surroundings, just knowing that she was here with Jackson. 

Caroline smiled and turned in his arms, looking up at him as the sun shone through the curtains and lit up Jackson’s face. She traced his cheek lightly with her fingertips and watched him, missing this time with him.

She sighed softly and rested her head on the pillow, looking at his face for a while until he stirred slightly and woke up.

“Hm, Caroline?” he mumbled weakly.

Caroline smiled slightly. “Yeah, I’m here honey,” she whispered, finally glancing around and noticing they were at Old Man Watson’s shop.

It must’ve shown on her face because next Jackson said, “Hey are you ok?” he murmured pulling her closer.

Caroline sighed slightly and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m fine, I just…remembered all that has happened,” she said quietly and giving him a weak smile.

Jackson nodded slightly and stroked her hair. “It’ll be ok, Caroline. We can survive. They aren’t human anymore, all right? They aren’t neighbors or friends anymore.”

Caroline sighed and sat up, covering her face with her hands. “I know, I know. It’s just all so messed up,” she murmured.

Jackson sat up and glanced at Big D and the curtained off room that had Alicia. They both seemed to be sound asleep.

“We’ll survive. I’ll protect you. Maybe this’ll pass,” he murmured, rubbing her back gently.

 Caroline leaned her head over on his shoulder, feeling a bit like she had a one up over Alicia. “Yeah, maybe.”

 Chewy was asleep at the foot of their bed, his chest rising and falling as he dreamed dog dreams.

 “I wonder what Chewy thinks of all of this,” Caroline murmured smiling slightly as she reached out to pet her dog.

 Jackson smiled slightly and squeezed her shoulders in a one armed hug. “I’m sure he is glad to be here by your side and protect you,” he murmured, glancing at Big D and Spike.

 Caroline smiled and as Chewy woke up and climbed into her lap. “Hi Chewy,” she crooned, scratching behind his ears. “Are you going to protect me?”

 Jackson chuckled slightly and watched as Big D stirred slightly in his sleep, causing Spike to awaken and lick his face. Big D opened his eyes and yawned, looking at the two of them.

 “When did you guys wake up?” he asked, sitting up and cracking his back. Sleeping on the floor had done nothing but make Big D sore. He’d been too tired to even bother creating a make shift bed for himself.

 Caroline smiled slightly and leaned into Jackson, yawing as Big D did. “We’ve been up for maybe 15 minutes. Nothing much,” she said quietly so as not to wake Alicia.

 Big D nodded and cracked his neck, rolling his shoulders and trying to loosen up his muscles. “Alright, we need a game plan. Alicia awake yet?” he asked.

 Jackson shook his head as all three of them looked to her ‘room’ sectioned off. “I don’t think so. Should we wake her?” he asked.

 Big D nodded slightly and stood up, cracking his knuckles. “Yeah, I’ll get her up and then we’ll come up with a plan of action.”

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