Chapter 10

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Some more time had a passed and it was now Christmas. For once everything was peaceful no one was fighting and everyone seemed to have found a place here. I walk downstairs when I notice my family ,and all the Cullens sitting in the kitchen their faces all looking grave. I imagine Ash was off somewhere practicing magic tricks (she has been ever since she saw Now You See Me last month) 

"What happened is someone in trouble?" I asked looking around at all of them. They looked at each other for a awhile before Jasper stepped up to tell me what happened 

"The Volturi are coming here Alice had a vision of them" I looked at Alice 

"What do they want with us do you know?" She shakes her head 

"All I see are them at the front door, but everything else is blank"

 "We think it has something to do with Ash since she can't see anything" Emmett put in, his face darkening at the thought of some one hurting the girl he thought of as a sister now. A couple weeks after Ash came to live with us we discovered that Alice can't see her future or any future with her in it. 

"How long till they get here" I asked "By the time they get here the snow will start melting" Alice replied 

"Why are they waiting so long?" Carlisle asked thinking about it. 

"I don't know honey but we can't tell Ash about this because if it doesn't have anything to do with her then she would have been scared and worried for nothing" Esme said looking sad that her youngest daughter could be being targeted by the Volturi. 

"Why don't we just give her to them and save us all the trouble" Edward said never really liking her anyway and not liking the way she was putting his family in danger. Almost everyone shot him a glare but chose to ignore him knowing that fighting with him would lead to nothing. 

"Why don't we just ask her if she knows the Volturi at all. She probably wasn't even telling the truth about her past" Alice said still not trusting the girl. 

"We will ask her if she knows of them but I do not think she would lie about her past" Elijah responds. 

"Well shall ask her at a later time probably after she gets done hunting today" Klaus said. We all nodded and decided that we would wait. We went our separate ways as time ticker on all of us wondering what the Volturi wanted.

I know I haven't updated in forever and there's no excuse for that so I'm sorry and I'll try to keep a more consistent schedule at once or maybe twice a week PEACE!!!!

Bella's a VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora