Chapter 12

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Lee Daehwi's POV

"Woojin-hyung. Have you seen Jinyoung?" I went to our room but he's not there.

"Yeah, he went to Jihoon's room." After that i went on my way to Jihoon-hyung's room. I was going to knock on the door but i heard Jinyoung voice, he was talking with someone on the phone. 'I guess it's not nice to bother him, i'll wait.' So i waited. But i can hear their conversation loud and clear, i thinks he's just near the door.

"W-why did you call me?" I heard him say. Who's calling? His tone is a bit weird.

"No, it's not a bother.. But it's just so sudden."

What are they talkig about?

"O-oh.. I see, you saw that already? It's kinda embarrassing..... "

Huh? I'm starting to get more and more curious..

"Yeah.. I think it's okay. Let's be friends.. I guess?"

Who is it??

"Okay.. Nice meeting you..."





I stepped backwards hitting my back on the wall and leaned on it.

'He was talking to Kyulkyung of pristin? His idol?'

That time, i felt like my world crumbled. I knew this thing would happen, but it still shocked me.

'I knew she was gonna call him. I knew it.'

I felt my tears escape from my eyes. When i realized, i run away from his room and run outside.

I wiped my tears away.

'I knew that all this time.. That someday Jinyoung will meet the love of his life, the beautiful woman that would suit him. A woman that could make him more happy than i could.'

I walked to the near park and sat on a bench. And when i knew i was all alone, i let my tears fall.

I didn't know what time is it, i just knew i had to let it all out.


Bae Jinyoung's POV

"Hyung, have you seen Daehwi?" I asked sungwoon-hyung who was eating in the kitchen.

"No, ask Woojin." I nodded and went to woojin's room.

"Hyung, where's Daehwi?" I asked him and he looked at me with a confused look. "I should be the one asking you that. He was just asking me where you are 2 hours ago. He went to Jihoon's room after that."

"What? I never saw him." After that i asked every member if they know where Daehwi went.

Now, were discussing where Daehwi could be.

"You know. Daehwi is not the type to just go out without saying anything." Jisung-hyung said.

"Yeah, after all these years being friends with Daehwi he never go out with saying anything. If he couldn't tell me, he would definitely text me." Woojin said trying to contact Daehwi on his phone.

"Wait, come to think of it." We turned our attention to seongwoo-hyung.

"Jaehwan is not here. Maybe he went out with Daehwi?"

Jealousy strike me a bit.

"No way, he got out alone. Plus, he just went to the grocery store to buy beef." Jisung hyung said.

After talking for about 5 minutes, we heard the door open.

And it revealed Jaehwan with a sleeping Daehwi in his arms.

"I was right after all!" Seungwoo hyung shouted.

"Where did you two go? You made us guys worried." Jisung said helping Jaehwan with Daehwi. I helped them too. We laid daehwi on the couch.

"Why Hyung? Why are you two together?" I asked out of impulse.

All attention was on me. I think they we're surprised as much as I did.

"Calm down, Bae Jinyoung. I was walking back home after I bought beef from the grocery. Then I saw Daehwi collapsed on the bench in the park."

'What?! What is Daehwi doing there?'

I kneeled down to see Daehwi's face. He looks tired. But aside from that..

"His eyes... He looked like he cried all day." Woojin noticed too. All members looked at Hwi too. They all agreed that Daehwi really look like he cried all day.

"Why? Why did he cry?" I asked myself, but the other members heard it.

"Did you do something Jinyoung?" Woojin hyung surprisingly glared at me. It's my first time seeing him like this.

"I-i didn't do anything." I thought harder recalling the last time I spoke to Daehwi. I smiled after suddenly remembering, we talked about his fans adopting an otter with his name. He said the otter is very cute. But to me, he's the one who's cuter.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jihoon hyung called me.

"Jinyoung, who's the unknown caller last time."

"It's Kyulkyung. She called me." I answered honestly and they were suprised.

"Seriously?!" Daniel acted like fainting, seongwoo hyung catched him.

"Yeah, she called and said she saw the clip of the camp and she knew i was her fan, so she wanted to become friends with me."

"What time did she call?" Jihoon hyung asked. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at my call log.

After seeing it, I dropped my phone.

What is it? When was it?" Jihoon and woojin hyung asked and the members was anticipating also.

I looked down at Daehwi sleeping so innocently.

"She called me exactly 2 hours ago."


"I didn't know. I think Daehwi heard our conversation. Though our conversation was very simple, i still said Kyulkyung's name so i really think he knows it." The members all sighed.

After everything calm down, the members told me to take care of it as soon as possible because they didn't want any more burden for Daehwi. I carried him in my arms and took him to our room. I laid him on my bed and i pulled the chair right next to him and sat.

"Jin.. Young..." I heard him mumble. I held his hand and moved closer to him.

"Shh.. I'm here Hwi."


"Hmm?" What is he trying to say?

"Don't go............ Don't.. Leave me..."

I teared up. My heart hurts so much. I'm hurting him. I'm hurting the one i love and it fucking hurts.

I reached for his forehead and kissed it.

"I'm not going anywhere, Hwi. I'm sorry."

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