Chapter 2 - Insulted

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A/N: Sorry to any readers who have been waiting for an update. I've been seriously stuck on this chapter. It isn't perfect but I hope you find it okay.

This chapter is dedicated to KaraRobinson for reminding me that I actually need to update and for being seriously supportive by helping with this chapter. Thankie yew! It helped quite a lot!

A picture of Jordan is on the side. I think he looks cute and boyish enough. Comment and let me know if you imagined him differently. :)

Enjoy and comment! :D


Chapter 2 - Insulted

I don’t want this. Why should I want to know what the High Circle does when they don’t bother with us at all? All I want is to tear up the invitation and throw it away. But, something deep inside of me is intrigued. I want to see what the High Circle were actually planning. There had to be something planned for the Night Association to be so popular already. No students have any inside information. It’s a complete secret!

“Lena…Earth to Night Associate!” Jordan called, snapping his fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality

"Night Associate?" I repeated, "Not really."

"Len, you were invited! That’s so amazing!" he chirped.

"Did you ever stop to think that I don’t want to go?"

Jordan’s jaw dropped, "You don’t want to go to the most exciting event to happen at the University in…ever!" he exclaimed, "I’d kill to be in your position right now! You have to go; you were invited!"

"Do I look like the type of girl to be phased by some oh-so-exclusive opportunity to know about the people who don’t give a damn about us?"

His expression hardened, "Are you out of your mind?"


"It seems to me that you are."

"What do you mean?"

"You have been invited to the event that everyone wants to go to, and you want nothing to do with it?"


"You selfish bitch."

Now it was my turn to be shocked, "Excuse me?"

"You heard," he stated, "You have an invite and you’re ignoring it?"

"Yeah, watch me," I answered, walking over to the bin, throwing the invite in.

"You didn’t just do that!" he yelled, "You’ve thrown away the best opportunity ever! Do you know how much I’d love to have that invite?"

"Well, considering you’ve been rambling about it all week, I think I have a pretty good idea."

"Yeah, and I’m never going to get an invitation!" Jordan’s expression softened with a flicker of sadness showing in his baby blue eyes, "I want an invitation more than anything and I’m never going to get one! Then you get one and throw it away, which makes me feel awful because I'm not good enough to receive an invitation for an event, which in your eyes is worth about as much as a pile of trash!"

I have no words. Of course Jordan’s good enough. Well, everyone is. I don’t have the heart to tell him that this oh-so-exclusive event isn’t so exclusive. Lots of people are getting invitations. I think they’re inviting the entire university. It would crush him even more than it already has.

"I WANT AN INVITE!" Jordan exclaimed, jumping up and down in a tantrum. I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling. He really was a big kid at heart. He’s just too sweet to hurt.

Jordan stopped mid-tantrum, staring in my direction. I narrowed my eyes at him, but I realised he was staring behind me. So, I turned to see what he was looking at.

A guy who I hadn’t seen before was approaching us. As he got closer, he flicked his dark brown hair out of his face revealing a pair of deep brown eyes. From a first look, he seemed like one of those guys who you shouldn’t mess with. I’d never seen him around campus before, but his appearance made me think it’s a good thing that I’ve never seen him. He definitely was handsome, but he seemed very…purposeful – maybe a little too much.

He stopped about three feet away from us.

"Can we help you?" Jordan asked from behind me, obviously thinking about his intimidating appearance.

"Yeah I think you can," he said bluntly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Well want do you want?" Jordan asked impatiently.

"Hmm…" he paused, "Come to think of it, maybe you’re too clueless to help me."

Too clueless for him? Cocky much? I don’t like his attitude already. If there’s one thing I don’t like, its arrogance.

"Are you sure about that?" I scoffed, "Maybe you need a map because it’s obvious you’re lost."

Come to think of it, I think he had been walking around a lot today. I probably just didn’t notice that he was actually lost.

"Look I don’t need some girl thinking she has me all sized up at first look," he snapped angrily. Ooh, I think I hit a nerve. "I just need the Richmond Building."

"This girl has a name – Lena and it’s past the statues at the edge of the courtyard," I said, before adding, "But maybe I should’ve just let you stay lost."

His face flushed an angry red. Wow, this guy didn’t take much winding up. "Look who do you think-" he was cut off by a black-hooded figure tapping him on the shoulder.

Oh no, I’d recognise that anywhere. I’d seen enough of it this week. I glanced back at Jordan who’s eyes were fixed on the invitation, his expression blank. I looked back to Mr Cocky there, who was in the process of opening the envelope.

"You have formally been invited to the initiation ceremony of the Night Association this Saturday night," he read aloud. A few seconds later, he added, "What a load of rubbish," crumpling the invitation and throwing it in the nearby bin.

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY JOKING? HIM?" Jordan exploded, making me jump slightly. He shifted his eyes from the bin to the new guy. "Why is he good enough? He’s acting like he’s the only damn thing in the world that matters!" he shouted.

I had to stop myself from laughing at the dumbstruck expression that just appeared on the guy’s face. Poor Jordan, he must be feeling pretty excluded by now.

"Now I’m even lower than rubbish. I thought it was bad enough before." Jordan added, no longer yelling.

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the new guy, "I don’t see why you care about something so pathetic," he said before turning to me, "Thanks for the verbal map love," he said, his voice low. Then he walked away in the direction of the Richmond building.

I shuddered. Love? Wow, he’s delusional. I turned to Jordan, who’s expression made me want to hug him, "Jordan…" I started.

He cut me off, "Don’t bother Lena." He spoke in a low voice, "It’s obvious I’m not getting invited. The ceremony is tomorrow night for god’s sake! You’re just as bad as him for the attitude; you can’t deny it. You just want to make me feel worthless. Congratulations on that one – it’s worked."

Before I could say anything, Jordan had his back to me and was walking away, leaving me in shock. I slumped back onto the bench, opening my textbook to the page I was on before.

Something slipped out of the pages and fell to the floor. I picked it up, realising what it was at once. It was the same night black envelope with the silvery writing that I’d only just thrown away.

Someone really wants me to feel even worse don’t they? I thought as I got up, ripping the envelope and tossing the pieces in the bin as I passed on the way back to my room.

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