Taste of your own medicine

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The neighbours were moving in this afternoon. Emily had heard all sorts of rumours; the daughter was caught taking heroine and now had to move to prevent her parents from going to jail for not keeping a close eye on her. That as you can see, is a pretty far fetched one. But another one had surfaced about her being a thief- Emily was pretty sure none of them were true. Besides apart from Hanna, Aria, and Spencer( not to mention her festering thoughts of Alison DiLaurentis, her old best friend who had infamously been murdered) she was pretty much alone. So she had made a simple plan; watch America's next top model until one in the afternoon. Then she would go and introduce herself. Maybe she would even make a new friend.


Her parents were going out to dinner. Finally.
Plan in action.
Didn't her mom say they were leaving at three?.......
Then why....... 
Emily rushed over to her clock. It said one thirty. Why the hell were her parents leaving two and a half hours before they were due to go out for dinner?! She heard talking. Loud talking. And footsteps up the stairs. She braced herself-
'Emily?' Her mom poked her head through her bedroom door. Her dad walked in to her airy, light-coloured room.
'We want to talk to you about-'
'About Maya?' Emily shot back. 'I've already told everyone I don't want to talk about her and I've made it clear as well to you both. I accept that she is dead. I ACCEPT THAT. Ok?! You know I loved Alison as more than a friend and yet you still told me to move on and take it all in your stride and all that crap but she- no,wait they both were murdered. I just want to talk about the weather or the new neighbours moving in. Just let me move on.' Emily stormed out of her room, and ran downstairs. She didn't stop running until she was well out the front door and past her new neighbours house.

She wanted to keep running but she stopped.
Outside the house was a girl.
And the reason Emily stopped was because she was



Taste of your own medicineWhere stories live. Discover now