Alison is my senpai

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'Emily, come on!' A single blonde girl swept past, grabbing her tan wrists. Alison stared right into her eyes.
'Huh- wha-' Emily had no idea what was going on. Ali led her by her arm into her house, which her brother Jason was unlocking.
'Jason, I have to study.'
'Then you owe me the test results.'
'Fine. Now can you please open the door?'
Jason reluctantly pulled the door open and Alison snatched Emily's hand again and and pulled her up the stairs and into her room.
'So, what has been happening while I was gone?' Alison dug through her drawers to look for her diary. It was the the one that creepy Harold had-                     'Wait. You've been alive this whole time?!' Emily felt Ali's face; her clear dimples in her tanned cheeks, her big blue eyes, dirty blonde ringlets and full pink lips. This was like a normal day at the DiLaurentis's ;Jason trying to tease  Ali; Mr DiLaurentis busy and bustling around the house; Alison's mother making sure both of her kids were behaving. Plus this was the girl that she wanted to be more than friends with. And she was alive! But everything just didn't seem right. Alisons family was too perfect. In real life there weren't quite so many good times. There was something always being argued about; grades, secrets, temper tantrums.
'Uh-I-uh.....' Emily couldn't think of what to say. Alison stroked her face. Tracing her jawline, Emily could feel her stomach knot in anticipation.
'You know I want to be more than friends. I've blamed myself for the first time we kissed, in the library. In and the changing room after was the worst because I couldn't admit to myself that that kiss wasn't just for practice. I'm sorry, Emily. Forgive me?' Ali smiled her dazzling smile and slowly reached in, tilted Emily's face to hers and pressed her lips onto Emily's surprised expression.

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