You dont know me, but are you single?!

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All through her school day Emily couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful girl. She couldn't think over her fantasies; and they were created in the space of half an hour. And if her friends could tell that she was distracted, it wasn't like it was a massive crime-from they had seen so far. Emily deserved some love and lust for once in her life.
'Hey, Em!' Hanna Marin sat down next to one of her best friends. Shortly after Spencer Hastings, and Aria Montgomery sat down in their once familiar seats in the cafeteria.
'What's up?' Emily replied.
'Oh, nothing much. I'm bored out my skull at my house.' Hanna seemed to emulate her boredom right now, eyes rolling, sloppily eating and flinging food everywhere.
'Hanna!' Spencer yelled. 'Your getting salad on my new handbag!' She yanked her Ralph Lauren bag out of the way and accidentally spilled her Lipton ice tea everywhere. It dribbled onto Emily's maths homework, which was due next period.
'Oh my God, Em, I'm so sorry-'
'Don't worry about it.' Emily was barely paying attention to what she was doing as she picked her shoulder bag up, gathered up all schoolwork and made her way out of the cafeteria to her maths lesson.
Something was wrong. And for once Emily was oblivious to it. As far as everyone could see, she was just a girl whose girlfriend just got killed because she knew too much. That in itself was sick and twisted. But falling for the girl next door- no. That was too much. It was too soon. Maya had just had a funeral and already she was lusting after whoever the new neighbour was. It was hard. But as bad as it seemed,  she was over Maya. She wanted to not care about being unfaithful to her. She could still have a place for her in her heart, but it was time to move on. A can screw themselves. They could leak it her own god damn parents. She was in love.

That's what





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