Why not, Emily?

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Emily pulled away, but Alison tried again. They both struggled, Alison trying to keep Emily next to her, and Emil trying to move away.
'What are you doing?' Alison demanded. 'We were having some fun. That's not so bad, is it?' Emily was torn. The kiss surprised her, but it wasn't what she wanted. Well, not just what she wanted. She needed answers from Alison; how she was alive, who was she afraid of, why was she afraid? Alison DiLaurentis was NEVER afraid of anything. And yet it didn't add up- Ali didn't want to kiss her in the changing room, but now she wanted to full on make out?! It all seemed so strange. And whose funeral did she attend?
*****An hour later*****
'So, whose funeral did we attend?'
Alison was not prepared to answer that question.
'Emily, I can't-'
'I've come this far to find out for myself, and you just turn me away?' Emily demanded. 'It's been an hour since you tried to make out with me and  you still haven't answered any of my questions. What's holding you back, Ali?' Alison got up and crossed her vanilla-sweet room to her Venetian mirror. Her back covered her reflection, so Emily couldn't see it.


Alison was silent.

Emily crossed the room, gently tapped Ali's shoulder and turned her around. She gasped.







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