Ace in the hole

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All this time, you were the minion/
Your yellow, I'm the mastermind like gru/
You can't take the spider out of the man: that's my dude/
Only the symbiote can, devote itself to crimson blood: stinks like Shrek without layers: onions/
It's not a game like the peanut man without his monocle/
Discovering the truth, like football without the stench of funions/

I'm not respecting this honor code/
It's a Nancy Drew Novel turned chuckles/
Welcome to my humble abode, these lyrics are my expression: like the sword without the stone/
I'm a military man, in this game, I nuke the stress and smash in beats with my bare knuckles/

I'm not happy with my life, I'm destined for more like Annie/
Mr.Wore-bucks, has a lot to offer but is always in a rush/
He said he had a crush, but he's married to some new lady who's obsessed with his expensive candy/

Could you slow down, and make school a living room like Edward with a sizzle in his hand/
You want to fight, bring it, I'm mr. Meagi, in his prime/
You can't fight a mastermind, with Amazon army ready to take a stand/

I'm Shazam, with no transformation problems/
Smashing down the hulk from two universes and still arm stiffing Superman/
Your the reason the pigs hog tie them/
And always end defining death in the end//)

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