Im Nothing

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I wanted to be Superman.
I wanted to be Bruce Wayne.
Why is so hard to save you.
I remember when I tried to take a stand.

I fell apart.
I was from the start.
I knew you were going to depart
but alone was my happy place to guard.

so I remain nothing.
I remain nothing.
you treated me like crap.
but I never noticed the trap.

yo, you started acting different like all girls do/
cheating on me, while I tried my hardest to love you for you/
leaving again and again, voices in my head tryna tell me "I'm such a fool"/

I can't find my happiness, it's go'n back underground/
it's magic I'm alive, the way you pushed me back down/
always distant, you were my favorite noun/
I'm trying to hate you, but my thoughts just come back around/

I'm done playing inside this circle/
when blood regurgitates, all I can do is gurgle/
you were only an obstacle that I had to hurdle/
now I'm back to being single, feeling like your crown was too much to call purple/

stomach in a mess, feeling so much stress/
I've tried to apologize, I've mentioned I need to confess/
we're all finna die, but what if you die inside before it's your time to rest/

all I want is you back/
but you looked through all the cracks/
making all these mistakes, just tryna make stacks/
but instead I cry, with a saddened laugh/
praying this spell will just pass/

I can't find myself through these chains/
you've grounded me to the tiniest of grains/
you called both of us babe, but never once felt strange/

so on my gravestone, I'm gonna write this message on my tomb/
"here lies the worlds most broken man", while I await my eternal doom/
I'm not gonna do it over on another earth, cause trouble comes an hour past noon/

you hurt me, but never cared/
I became distant too, even though you shared/
I just wanted you to stay, so we could work out the pain we both bared/

but love doesn't work that way/
life is a lie, made to make you pay/
just another war turned fray/
I've been wishing you would've stayed/

but this can't get any better/
you destroyed my flesh, like an Irish setter/
you always pissed on my fires, like you're a bed wetter/

potent only to me, hungover like it's worthy of the sting/
beautiful to your new king/
I'm sorry, for ruining all your things/
but you destroyed our rings/

am I something?
am I something to you?
why am I nothing to you!
I just wanted to be something.
but it turns out -

I'm nothing....just nothing.

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