Remeber me ?

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What do you say to someone who just informed you that you could possibly lose a person you just fell madly in love with ? Who could have ever predicted this would happened? As I look at him through the glass panes I can't help but think what if he doesn't make it and I walk out of here alone. It's a hard pill to swallow and I rather not think in such grim terms but I'm a born realist who doesn't live in the fairytale world. Don't get me wrong I believe in falling in love with someone just never really thought it would happen to me.

The surgeons work hard to save his leg with every possible idea they can think of. They told me when we arrived that he'd  been shot in the back of his head as well and that he'd started convulsing and lost consciousness in the ambulance His eyes are closed and I can't even fathom what's must be going through his head right now. What is he dreaming of , is it me or could it be a planned revenge on the person who shot him so coldly out of nowhere. I prayed that he would not suffer any long term injuries from his gun shot wounds.

The time moves so slowly as I sit back down and do the only thing I can do , wait. Flipping through a magazine parading gossip and useless info I cant take my brain off of how she turned on me and Jared betrayed Shannon in the same. After all we went through I couldn't fathom why she would choose a man , one she hardly knew over me. Nothing I could do about it really so might as well consider her dead in my book and move on.

"Excuse me, but are you here for Shannon?" A tall dark haired man wearing a doctors coat stood beside the chair just on the other side of me said. "I ask because I need to tell you about his condition." By the look on his face it didn't seem to be good news either.

"How is he?"

"Well he's stable at the moment but has some damage in his brain and memory. He had a pretty traumatic head injury , brain bleed that we almost couldn't stop , when he was shot earlier. He's asleep right now , but I'm afraid to say-"

"He might not remember anything or anyone for that matter, Is that what your trying to imply?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I tried to digest that information. I was nervous and scared to see him now that I was told that grim story, but knew I needed to suck it up and just do it. "Can I see him please?"

The doctor lead the way back to Shannon's room. A curtain was pulled back to revel him sleeping still with tubing coming from his arms and mouth. A large bandage wrapped around his forehead covering his hair.

"I will leave you be and come back to check him later. Please don't hesitate to call for anything you need."

"Thank you " I sat down as the door shut behind me. Reaching for his hand it felt warm and the hairs  on the top had been shaved off I'm guessing for his surgery. Everything in me wanted to peak and see if they had shaved his beautiful hair from his head. I slid the bandage back and sure enough he was bald and three long scars laid across his scalp. Anger filled me when I though about who did this to him. She took his memory away , she stole his heart from mine. I wasn't one to wish bad karma on someone but this was different I wished her all the bad things life could muster up and then some. Lying to me is one thing , but betraying a friendship over 20 years strong was the straw that broke the camels back!

"I don't know if your gonna remember me or not, time will tell I guess, but if not I will do everything in my power to help jolt your memory again." I rubbed his hand and felt my heartache and prayed that he would be ok.

I drifted off to sleep a short time after that laying my head on his lap when suddenly , I felt a hand on my face caressing my cheek. I must be dreaming about someone touching me yet it feels so real. I peak one eye open and see the devil himself. His hand covered my mouth and I feel something sharp on my arm. I can't move with his arms held around me tightly almost shutting off my lungs.

"You thought you could run and hide from us didn't you?! Such a shame we knew where  you were hiding huh?" His eyes filled with evil and vile , looking over to my arm as I followed them. "This should be enough to put you to sleep." His hand swiftly pushing a needle deep into my arm injecting me with something that made me instantly dizzy and asleep in seconds. I hit the hard floor beside Shannon's bed before fully blacking out.

"We should finish him off Jay! how should we do this? Shut off his airway, inject him with the same shit as her or-" she said rubbing his arm.

"No I have an even better idea, how would you like to-" He showed her Shannon's medical chart on the computer screen that the doctor had accidentally left open. He had an evil idea in mind. One that would ruin Giselle's life for good! "Now wake him up and do what I told you!"

She shook Shannon as hard as she could and finally he opened his eyes. "Hey baby you miss me?" She said smiling and rubbing Shannon's hand. "I was so worried about you!"

"I'm sorry I don't remember you." He looked over and saw Giselle on the floor beside his bed. "Who's that?"

"She's your sister, as you can see she's drunk passed out again. So, you don't remember me at all?"

"No, I don't at all I'm sorry."

"I'm your girlfriend Shannon! I was there when you got shot by your sister. You guys had a bad fight and she pulled a gun on you and shot you sending you to the hospital. I can help you get your memory back, it will take some time though. Oh , and this man next to me this is your brother Jared."

He grinned an evil grin as he shook Shannon's hand. This plan might just work after all he thought to himself. Shannon was buying into his evil schemes and soon Giselle will be taking the fall for shooting Shannon. That is , if she wakes up.

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