My remedy

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My nerves were shot as I boarded the plane with Shannon's hand rubbing my back carrying out luggage as I had a strong  hold on our son in my arms. I couldn't be happier about life our lives with the new addition of a baby boy born all of 6 months ago.  He was a unexpected gift for Valentine's Day what a beautiful day to have a birthday right? The plane was empty and thankfully we got in first to avoid the rush of people coming on soon.  It was all Shannon's idea to come make amends with Kali and His brother.  I could have cared less if they lived or died to be honest. That day she turned on me and chose him was the day she died in my eyes.  Same with Jared evil son of a bitch I swear the devil was an angel compared to Jared's vile ways.

"You want the window seat right?" He so sweetly asked me. I met an angle when he came in my life and I knew I had to marry him one day and that's what I did.  He asked me on New Year's Day while I was 8 months pregnant full of life pun intended and deeply in love with him.  I'd give my last drop of blood to save his life he was my everything. So was my son he was such a spitter image of his dad same brows eyes and lips.  Same temperament too very laid back never cried once.  Loved to sleep hence the reason he was napping now in my arms. 

"Thank you but if you want it I'm ok with it ."  I say in the middle seat and let him enjoy the view for once.  I was tired from the long car ride stuck in traffic for hours due to bad weather and traffic. A bad storm had hit on all days the day we had to fly out to the states again. Call it an omen if you will.  "I'm gonna shut my eyes for awhile if that's ok with you."  He kissed my cheek and took our son whom we named Liam Christopher after Shannon's middle name. Shannon had told me awhile back how he always wanted a boy as his first kid someday. 

I closed my eyes leaning against his shoulder. I heard him singing and talking to Liam and I couldn't help but smile.  "Your gonna meet your uncle Jay very soon. He's gonna be so happy to meet you." 

A couple hours passed on as I woke up feeling refreshed and saw that Shannon had passed out with our son sleeping soundly inside his chest. It was the picture of heaven if always dreamed about. The flight soon landed in Greece my stomach was sick again knowing I would have to face them after all this time. We caught a taxi to their house and it still looked and felt the same as before we left. Shannon knocked and there was no answer so he called his cell number, which went straight to voicemail. Hmmm that's odd? Then he got a text from his mom asking if he was in town yet and to please go see Jared at the hospital it was urgent and couldn't wait. Hospital? That didn't sound good at all.

We rushed over to the nearest hospital where Kali and I were both born. Deep inside I hoped that they both had changed and I wanted to give them another chance because like they say life is too damn short.  We hurried into the elevator and found the room where we were told to find them.  I stoped at the doorway in shock from what I saw.  She laid there in a bed hooked up to tubes and wires asleep and there was Jared asleep right next to her in a chair.  I didn't know exactly what I was walking into. 

"Hello guys were here!" I said by his shoulder.

He slowly lifted his head and his eyes were blood shot red.  "Oh my god I'm so happy you guys are here! It's been to damn long!"  He stood up knowing over the chair and hugged me and then Shannon.  His eyes grew wide as he saw a baby in his brothers arms. "You guys had a baby?"

"Yep he's six months old names Liam. Would you like to meet him?"  Shannon said as he handed him over to Jared. 

"Oh my god he's like your twin! He's got blue eyes though that's gonna look he's my kid when he grows up!" He rocked him in his arms and couldn't stop smiling. Then began to cry which worried Shannon and I. 

"Everything ok? We got a text from mom saying to get our buts over here quick as we can."

"Kali has been in a coma for over a year now and was pregnant.  I thought maybe any day she would wake up but I'm losing faith in that pipe dream."

"Did she have the baby?" I looked around and saw no car seat or sign of a child anywhere. My heart  feared the worst. "Oh no! I'm so sorry Jay that must be heartbreaking and here we show up and our child-"

"Don't feel bad it's not your fault I mean how could you'd known about this? I'm happy for you guys.  I mean it's not like we can't get pregnant again one day. I just...I'm fucked to right now. That really tore me in two when I learned she was having my kid and I was the one who cause her to lose it." 

What did he just say?

"What do you mean caused her to lose it?"

"We had a huge argument and push came to shove and I hurt her so badly. I'll never forgive myself for what I did!"

I could tell he was genuinely sorry and felt awful. "She will forgive you and still love you when she wakes up trust me. That bitch loves hard and deep you practically have to kill her to make her not love you. You need anything like maybe a break to go shower or eat ?"

"Yea I think he does,come with me I could use some brother time and your nephew needs to get to know you too." 

Jared agreed to Shannon's request and they left out for some bonding time.

I grabbed her hand in mine and cried letting everything on heart out I'd held in for so long. I had so much to say yet right now wasn't the right time. So I just held her hand and prayed she would be ok.

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