A new me a new you

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Ten years later

In a big house way on the hill over looking the ocean, I sat with my cup of coffee admiring the beauty of the blessing of been given.  Shannon was still asleep most likely beat from our wild party last night. Not the kind of party you would think, it was for the twins. Jared and Kali threw the big shindig for their twins boys.  After many years of trying they both were finally blessed with two blue eyed boys who were the spit-ten image of Jared.  He was ball of mush watching his sons come into the world. I'd never seen him smile so much. Kali was a trooper pushing out one kiddo after the other. I couldn't been more happy for their family.

Fast forward to today, Kali had finally awoke to the sound of her youngest , a little girl named Skyla
This little angel all of three years old, was the mirror image of her mother. The long blonde hair and green blue eyes and her personality to match. A mamas girl she was indeed. Everywhere Kali went that little beauty followed. We all would laugh as she dressed in her mother's shoes and jewelry. The only thing that was hands off was Mother's Gucci perfume. Jared has gifted it to Kali on her birthday last year.

I grabbed my coffee and heard the small foots steps coming towards me. As I turn around I see Shannon half asleep walking behind our two-girls and our oldest son 10 year old Liam . Our five year old Aubrina and our seven year old Sandy. Shannon leaned over kissing me and laughed as Sandy covered her mouth pulling back away from me, "Stop daddy go away!" He kissed her head and let us be.

"You and Kali want to come with us to the market downtown? We need some more fruit for the girls and I wanna get Giselle something for her birthday coming up."

Jared swooped up his daughter holding her tight against him. "Yea I'm down just need to be back in time for the meeting I've got planned for this evening. I want to close this deal once and for all."

Over the years Jared had shown a more grown up side for his family. He left behind the bad boy reckless image trading it in for a fatherhood filled with stability and love. Everyone was over joyed to see how happy he'd become once he learned to let go and let love and happiness into his life once and for all. Jared now owned a large company in California a film studio his partner none other then Kali was on the brink cashing in a massive film deal and Jared was doing everything in his power to make it happen.  Day and night he stayed awake answering email making extra calls. Driven and hard headed he never gave up. Finally after two long years a call came at last.

"Yes this is he? I can be there first thing Monday thank you so much I appreciate this you won't regret it!"  He hung up and almost lost it. Smiling he pulled Kali into a massive hug and said, "You and I have a business date in Paris Monday, baby we did it!! Thank you for changing my life in every way possible I owe you everything!"

"I swore I'd never give up on you and I meant it. You bust your ass and your earned this- "

"No, WE earned it, together."  He kissed her then took her hand  upstairs to get showered and ready to head out for the day with Shannon and the kids.

"I'm happy for them, can't say I'm not jealous we can't go to fancy places like that anymore."  Shannon said as I felt arms wrap around me. 

"It's ok, not your fault that bastard fired you over sexual harassment that wasn't even your fault. Everyone could clearly see she was baiting you into a trap so she could get your position. Just pissed the higher ups took her side.  I guess when you give the boss a hand job on your lunch hour it gets you places."

"She was just mad because I said I'm happily married and had kids. That to her was a challenge to try and break me. Didn't work in the end because I walked away a innocent man in my mind.  It's in the past can we not talk about it?"  He  said as he moved me over to his lap and I lad my head on his chest. 

"Yea.  So I'm thinking of getting Jay and Kali a wedding gift, a cruise maybe?" 

Over the years I had hoped Jay andKali  would seal the deal already. But each time they got close a kid would come along or a suddenly change on their careers blocked the way.  Finally just this year they set a date, a summer wedding in July in all places , Barcelona Spain. They'd fallen in love with the warm people and delicious foods.  The culture was just too good to pass up for a wedding.

Later that day, Kali was trying on dresses in the shop.  I was in awe of her beauty in each and every dress.  Aubrina was enjoying her image in the mirror dancing and laughing with her best bud Kalis daughter Skyla.  These two never far from each other always into trouble like Kali and I were when we were younger.

"What do you think about this one?" Her hands brushed up and down the gown. You could see in her eyes this was the one she wanted to get married in.

"That's it! It's so you babe I think we're done here!" We hugged and she grabbed hold of her daughter and spun around laughing , her heart full of joy. I followed her to the car and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It's Jared most likely trying to help me pull off the surprise of a lifetime for his soon to be bride. I step away and tell her I have to visit the ladies room and I would be back soon.

His voice sounds cracks as he tries to form the words to tell me that Shannon's retrieved the final steps of the gift for my girl. I can tell he's overjoyed with everything falling into place as he dreamed it would. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she receives the gift in two short days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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