Author Note and Requests are Open

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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to thank you guys for making this the most successful story for my page on this site. That being said, I do have other accounts on other sites, one being on Quotev and another on ArchiveOfOurOwn, have have stories ranging from the Marauders (which i have started to post here), Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit (which is underway and I plan on posting once it my LotR is all finished), Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, and a few more under construction. 

With all this being said, I'd like one feedback,  I would like to ask you guys as readers  if these writings sounded at all enticing to you, and if they do, I could possibly share them on this web site or give you my online name and title of the stories. I also wanted to open up the chance for you guys to get stories based off of your personal interest. This means, if you want another main character to be the focus of Magnificent Seven, I can create a new OC for you guys, even let you pick some personality traits. Of you wanted to read stories based on not widely popular fanbases, I'd be happy to write some for you.

In other words; REQUESTS ARE OPEN

Please remember, Comments are always welcome, in fact they are encouraged. 

Thank you guys so much,


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