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Walking into the cafeteria, I noticed her immediately. She sat at the same table as yesterday, the same look on her face and some fruit on her plate.

I placed my tray in front of her and took a seat, gifting a small smile as she looked up at me.

"No Ned today?" She started the conversation, a huge jump from before.

"Nah, he had a dentist appointment." I answered, taking a bite of my sandwich. She nodded before looking down.

"Hey..." She got my attention. I looked up at her, expecting eye contact but getting none. "Thank you. For that flower. I know you didn't really like that I steal them but... thanks."

"It's just a flower. You could be out stealing from the less fortunate." I played.

"Yeah," she let out a light chuckle. "Better you catch me than Spiderman." She joked back. If she only knew.

I laughed along with her before thinking of something.

"Can I come with you today? To visit your mom that is."

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at me. "You want to come with me?" She seemed surprised.

"Well, yeah." I replied. "You're my friend."

That word seemed to startle her, had she never had a friend before?

"Well," she was quick to avoid that subject. "It's the last day I'm going so I guess you can come."

The last day? Why would she PLAN to stop going to see her mother's grave?

I decided not to question it, for it wasn't my place.


School had ended for the day and Y/n and I decided to meet up by her locker.

"Hey Penis Parker." Flash's voice made me mentally groan. "Hope you aren't thinking about ditching practice today." He motioned to my backpack. Beside him was Liz and the rest of the group. We had Decathalon coming up soon, and I knew how important it was to everyone.

"Ned isn't going, I think we should just reschedule." I noted, waiting for Y/n anxiously.

"Again? Peter, DC is coming up. We need to keep working." Liz spoke up.

"I have something I need to do today... I'm sorry. Next week!" I called as I saw Y/n coming up the hallway. I walked away from the group and to her locker, happy to escape that. I didn't hate the academic team at all, but between Spiderman and Y/n, I had my plate full.

I didn't want to worry about other things.

"Hey." I spoke as she fished her bag from her locker.

"Hey." She replied. She closed it lightly before turning to me, ready to leave.

"We can go right there if you want." I offered.

"No it's okay. I need to check in with my Dad and drop off my bag." She didn't seem happy about it. I nodded and off we went, walking out of the building.

We walked in silence as she led the way to her home. She lived the same distance from the school as I did, but in the other direction.

"Wait here." She demanded as she opened a house door. I did as told and waited. As time went by, only a few minutes but a feeling of eternity, I began to think she ditched me.

Sighing, I turned away to go home. If she didn't want to be my friend, she could have just said so.

Before I could take another step, her door yanked open. I looked just in time to see her storm from the house, and yelling behind her.

Flower Girl (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now