Late night

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"You boys are pigs." May scolded our way of eating while she placed roses in a vase on the table. I slurped up some egg noodles and furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"How?" I spoke through a mouth of food. She arched an eyebrow at me. I couldn't help it, this was so good!

I noticed Y/n was not eating the chicken and noodles, so she sat awkwardly across from me.

"Not a fan of Asian food?" I asked her. Ned stopped choking down food and looked up at her.

"Not a fan of meat. Or animal products for that matter." She smiled gently. I could tell she felt like a bother and didn't want to tell anyone she was vegan, but it was important to me. I didn't want her to feel like her interests didn't matter.

"Oh here honey, I have some fried rice and veggies too!" May was quick to help Y/n.

"Thank you Miss-"

"Oh please, call me May." Her words surprised Y/n greatly, I wonder why.

As Y/n used chopsticks to shovel up some rice and peas, I couldn't avoid looking at her bruise. It looked painful, and I knew bruises first hand.

I wonder if that had anything to do with her absence at school today, for she didn't look sick at all.

"Okay you crazy kids," May got up from the table. She threw her trash away and put her bowl in the sink. "I need to go to work, make sure you don't stay too late. It's a school night." She smiled.

"Thank you for dinner, have a good night!" I called to her as she slipped her shoes on.

Y/n and Ned thanked her as well.

"You're all welcome. It was a pleasure to meet you..."

"Uh, Y/n," Y/n smiled nervously.

"See ya."

Y/n looked down at her palms, she did that a lot when she felt awkward I guess, as May left the building.

"She's so nice." She smiled gently up at me.

"Yeah, she's the best." I answered her. Standing up, I had finished my food, as well as the others, and we all took care of our mess before they followed me into my room.

"Millennium Falcon?" Y/n asked as she spotted the half built lego set on the floor. Ned smiled, giddy that she knew the starwars set, and nodded.

"Yeah, eight thousand plus pieces. Wanna help finish it?" He asked. She shrugged and sat on the ground, so Ned and I followed.

"So like, how'd you get that bruise?" Ned asked as he placed pieces together.

She shrugged again.

"You didn't have it yesterday so, did you get in a fight or something? Cause yunno, if I have to fight away more cheerleaders, I will." I joked.

She didn't find it as funny as I did.

"No, no cheerleaders. Just an accident. My dad-" She stopped herself. It was like she wanted to be open about every single detail in her life, but was afraid of rejection or hate.

"It was just an accident." She pursed her lips. The same thing she did when lying about the cheerleaders. So she did that when lying, good to know.

I decided to drop the subject until it was just her and I, some things Ned didn't need to know.

We sat in silence, a common thing when she was around, but it was peaceful. I didn't feel like I needed to spark up a conversation, for it wasn't uncomfortable.

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