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"Three... two... one." I spoke to myself before stepping out into the middle of the road. As lights reflected off of the small silver parts of my suit, I knew my timing was impeccable.

The same white van as a few nights ago slammed on the breaks and screeched off of the road. The driver, panic stricken, was quick to recover and notice it was me in the road. 

"Hey, I'm walkin' here!" I yelled with a NewYork accent thicker than my own. I shook a fist as the two criminals pulled out of the ditch and attempted a get away. 

"A hit and run? Wow, these men are monsters!" I joked, shooting a web onto the van and yanking myself to it quickly. I stuck to the side and waved to the man in the passengers seat. He snarled at me before talking to the driver. 

"Karen! Why can't I hear them?! Turn enhanced hearing on!" I yelled frustratingly as I watched them speak. 

"Sorry about that, Peter." She spoke into my ears. Her voice now became the two men's. 

"I know what the Boss said, but we gotta get rid of him somehow!" The man yelled. 

"Fine! Use it." The other one gave in. 

"Use what? Uh oh." I spoke as the passenger pointed some weird weapon out of the window. He pulled the trigger, and I barely managed to jump on top to escape. The weird, purple beam hit the road that was now behind us and turned the cement to liquid. 

We hit a bump, and the weapon flew from the guys hands and out of the window. I was quick to stick it to the inside of a sewer ledge and come back for it later. 

"Holy shit" I watched it with wide eyes. "Where did you get this kind of techno-" I was interrupted when something grabbed me from behind, and I was lifted from the van. 

"What the hell?" I yelled, looking up and seeing the thing that had a hold of me.  Thinking quickly, I shot a tracking device onto the van, knowing I would need it later. 

Whatever this metal bird suit was, was strong as all hell- not to mention pretty painful. He flew straight up, at a worrying pace, while I squirmed and struggled in it's talons. 

too high too high....

With out a single word or change in pace, the same talons that I had been struggling from released me. I plummeted, falling and falling, no time to even stop to think about death. 

By the time I processed it, and Karen released a parachute, I struck a painful surface and was engulfed by water. 

The silk of the chute, along with the strings, cocooned around me, making my struggling even difficult. My lungs, they burn! I need air, I need it now!

I fought against the material, bubbles spurting from between fibers of my mask as I let out my final breath. My legs barely kicked free by the time my eyes started to turn into tunnels. 

This was it? This is how the Amazing Spiderman dies? 

My body stopped fighting, as my brain no longer saw a point in trying. 

This was really it. 

Or so my last thought was, before many bubbles exploded from above me, and cold metal arms took hold of me. I felt myself emerge from the water, and was instantly able to breathe somehow. 

"Oh." I breathed out weakly as I looked up at the familiar suit. "Hey." 


"And then he just, like, swooped down like a monster... a-and picked me up, and took me up like a thousand feet and just dropped me." I spoke to Tony as he watched me wring out my mask. I sat on some jungle gym at a nearby park, but I wasn't sure why he brought me here. 

"How'd you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at him. 

"I put everything in your suit. Including this heater." He held up a 'watch this' finger, and a warm sensation spread through out the entire suit. The steam of the lake water could be seen as I relaxed. 

"Ohhoho that's better, thanks." I spoke, rubbing my hands together as if I was next to a fire. 

"What were you thinking?" Tony scolded me as he just levitated in front of me, his suit seeming docile. 

"The guy with the wings is the source of the weapons, I gotta take him down." I spoke with confidence. 

"Take him down, huh?" He scoffed at me. "Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing."

"The Avengers?" I asked gloomily, remembering damn well that he said I wasn't one.

"No. This is a little below their pay grade." I could almost feel him rolling his eyes behind his mask. Man, I'm just pestering him, aren't I?

"Mr. Stark, you didn't have to come out here. I had that. I was fine." I lied, nodding as if agreeing with myself. 

"Oh, I'm not 'here'. Thank God this place has Wi-Fi or you would be toast right now." His mask opened to reveal it's emptiness. 

Okay... ouch. 

"Thank Ganesh while you're at it. Cheers." He spoke to someone else. So what, this was just some phone call? He didn't save me, he sent some robot to do it?

"Look, forget the flying vulture guy, please." He was sounding so agitated right now, but I couldn't just ignore this!

"Why?" I stood up onto the thin bars easily and looked at the suit.

"Why? Because I said so! Sorry, I'm talking to a teenager." He finished with talking to someone else in the background again. 

"Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping little people, like that lady that bought you the churro. Can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?" His words felt so belittling to me. 

"But I'm ready for more than that now!" I begged him. Why did I feel like I needed his blessing?

"No, you're not." Ouch again, Mr. Stark. 

"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America." I made a good point. God, I was some idiot in spandex arguing with a robot in a park. How worse could this get?

"Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would've." Okay, it's worse. 

"Listen to me. If you come across these weapons again, call Happy." He spoke smoothly, but I simply paid attention to the engine roaring in the distance. 

"Are you driving?" I scoffed. Holy crap this all really meant nothing to him! This was serious!

"You know," He started. "It's never too early to start thinking about college. I got some pull at MIT. End call."

"No, I don't need to go to--" I tried to reason and argue but was stopped. 

"Mr. Stark is no longer connected." The suit spoke in a robotic female's voice. 

"That's awesome." I jumped off of the structure. "Stay close to the ground? What is he talking about?"

Now to get that weapon. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have the whole script of the movie so most of this dialogue DOES NOT BELONG TO ME I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT AHHH

I hope you all enjoy though, I love you all so much <3

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