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Trigger warning. Deals with self hate and low confidence. Please stay safe and don't take this to heart. You are all insanely perfect I can't even explain it.I love you all.


"Come onnnn!" I whined to Y/n as she laid on my hotel bed. Her stomach was against the bed, covers over her, and head rested on the pillows.

"Nooo." She called back.

"It's the last day, you'll be fine." I assured her.

"Museums, dinner, parks, movies, hiking, tours, all of it. I am exhausted. I do not want to go to the beach." She grumbled.

I saw her point. This vacation was long and we had lots of things packed into each day. I wanted her to go swimming with all of us since it was the last day, but she was using exhaustion as an excuse not to where her swimsuit.

I smirked and grabbed her foot, pulling on her lightly. Slowly, she was inching away from her spot, groaning at me to leave her alone.

"Knock it off." She demanded, exhaustion in her voice.

"You better get up then," I teased.

When she stayed silent, I made the final decision and yanked her off of the bed. She landed on the ground with an 'oof' and snapped around to look at me.

"Peter!" She yelled while glaring.

"Oh look at that you're up!" I cheered. "I'll just leave you to put on your swimsuit." I threw it at her, I am her boyfriend I am allowed to rummage through her luggage, and darted out of the room. Before I closed the door, I could hear her groaning once more.

I feel so evil.


You pushed yourself off of the ground and held up the (one piece or two piece of choice), looking at it hastily.

Though you hated the thought of wearing this in public, you knew Peter was right. It was the last day in Hawaii. The whole trip went so smoothly and it would be a week you would never forget. You would hate to bring Peter down on the last day just because your confidence was crappy.

Standing up, you dragged yourself into the bathroom to change. You knew Pete wasn't there, but you felt too indecent to just change in the open.

The bathroom was clean, other than Peter and Ned's toiletries, so you didn't feel any other discomfort luckily. With out thinking any more, you stripped off your lounge clothes and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Okay, maybe you were thinking a bit.

How could such a flattering bathing suit look good on you? Was it even worth bringing, or would it be worth putting on? What was wrong with just wearing shorts and a tank top even?

This felt humiliating.

You pulled on the bathing suit as needed and looked in the mirror.

Feeling disgusting, hideous even, you turned away and walked out of the door. You were quick to put a large shirt overtop to cover up, not wanting to walk around like this. The door cracked open and Peter poked his lips and nose through.

"Are you done?" He whispered as if afraid of you attacking him.

"Yea." You stated, walking to your phone and unplugging it from where you put it before your nap. He walked in fully now with a happy smile on his face.

"That doesn't look like a bathing suit." He teased. Something about Hawaii kept him in such a great mood. You were happy to see him happy, and most importantly safe. He wasn't sneaking around or keeping secrets, he was here living life with you. No complain here.

You rolled your eyes and pulled up the shirt to show him.

"Oh... wow." He stated, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he always did and looking at you.

"Jesus, every time I think I am use to your beauty, I get another glimpse that takes my breath away." He spoke softly.

"Thank you..." You blushed. You couldn't hold back the smile on your face as he pulled your chin up delicately and kissed you so soft, you could only feel his breath.

"I would kiss you harder, I want too, but I am so afraid to shatter this diamond." He spoke cheesily.

"You're such a nerd." You giggled before curling into his chest. He always knew how to make you feel good, and you always believed him.

"So, what do you say we get out there and have a good last day?" He asked, knocking the smile from your face.

You forgot about that part- actually going outside.

How could you muster up the courage for that?


Hello everyone!

Not only are we #1 in fanfiction, but also in spiderman!

I wanna thank my mom and my sister and my dog- no really though.

I am so honored to have such amazing readers. I truly am.

Much love to you all <3

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