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She was clenching the arms of her chair as if her life depended on it, as well as her eyes closed as tight as if she were about to blast off into the sun.

I wanted to tease her so bad, but I knew she needed comfort. My first time flying was bad too, so I knew her pain.

"Hey," I stated, taking her hand in mine. "You know you're safe right?"

"Ever heard of nine eleven?" She made a terrible reference as she kept her eyes closed. She unfortunately had a window seat, and I was between her and Ned.

"Ever heard of upped security?" I teased her. She groaned and let go of my hand, going back to the armrest.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry." I laughed. "Look, the worst part is getting up in the air. I'm sure you will love it after."


"Yeah don't be too sure of yourself." She growled at me. I cocked my head to the side and watched her.

"Afraid of heights?" I asked. She opened her eyes and looked at me with the saddest face ever.

"Awe baby, I didn't know that." I sighed in sympathy. "Still, the view will be astounding, and once we are up, you will feel very safe in here. Trust me." I smiled at her. )

She looked at me for a few seconds before taking my hand back and exhaling slowly, trying to calm down. The engines started up, and her eyes bulged wildly.

"It's okay." I soothed in her ear as she held my hand tight. The plane moved forwards and she looked out of the window.

"Oh my god." She stated.

"Hey don't look there, look at me." I smiled. She looked at me and I tried to think of ways to distract her.

"How did you get so good at (Game you kicked their asses in)?"

"I-I uh." She tried to think, but her focus was on the plane. "My dad had a (fave consol) and the only game he let me play was (same game yo)." She looked out the window as the plane angled up.

"Look at me darling." I stated. She looked back at me and started talking again.

"I played it all the time when him and my mom were at work, since I finished my classes so early every day." The plane took off fast but she was reliving her video game experience. "I got really good at it, though I was awful when I first started. It's kinda fun to kick your guys' asses because I started just as bad as you."

"Hey!" I laughed, causing her to smile. Ned was sound asleep next to us, not having a care in the world. He'd been on a lot of trips with his family, so flying was almost as casual as a subway ride.

"Look." I stated, motioning to the window.

"Mmm mm." She shook her head, still watching me.

"Oh come on, just look!"

She turned her head to the window, taking a quick peak and turning back to me. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked back, getting closer this time.

"Oh wow..." She breathed out, looking down. "That's New York?" She asked, turning back to me. I nodded and scoot closer to look. "It's huge!" She spoke.

I smiled at her, how quick she was to overcome her fear. She was admirable.

I loved her so much.

"So, Hawaii?" She turned to me, but was taken back as I was watching her with a loving gaze. "What?" She asked self consciously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear/pulling her sleeves over her hands.

"I love you so much." I stated. She blushed and looked down, smiling like she never got tired of hearing me say it.

"I love you too..." She spoke shyly.

"What about Hawaii?" I asked, returning us to what she was gunna say.

"Oh!" She perked up, turning to me.

"Can we swim with sea turtles like in the movies? A-and the dolphins. Oh and Sharks!" She was super excited now.

"I guess we will have to see what the animal schedule is." I teased her, chuckling. She stuck her tongue out at me before going back to watching the clouds.

Yep, I was so madly in love with her.

Wait, clouds?

"So pretty-" She was cut short when the plane shook and bumped. She looked at me with instant fear and clutched my hand.

"Sorry... I forgot to mention turbulence." I spoke sheepishly.

"Turbulence?!" She gasped out.

"It's okay! I promise. Look." I pointed out her window. "Everything is fine and safe, just like before. But now, we are in a cloud. Turbulence is just the unsteady movement of it."

"Aren't clouds supposed to be fluffy?!" She whispered aggressively.

"They are made of water, you know that. It's just what happens when planes go through it. It's okay." I spoke gently again. She looked at the cloud, understanding, but that didn't stop her from squeaking as it got shaky again.

Oh my dear Y/n, how you have lots to explore in the world.


I love you all, thank you so so so much for reading.


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