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This is the story of a puppet who unexpectedly found herself in the midst of her other fellow puppets, at the feet of a certain demon.


It was a normal day for Ametrine. Well, as normal as she could make it... the videos she had recently been watching from her favorite YouTuber, Jack, were... unnerving.

There were glitches, high pitched noises, and times when Jack would completely zone out and stare off-screen, into the distance, or directly at the camera. It was like he was being controlled by someone. Ametrine rolled her eyes and laughed, but stopped as the video glitched again and Jack's facecam was fullscreen.

His eyes shone with anger, but he held the Joker's smile... His body was fixed and his movements were robotic.

- I am always watching you, puppet... I have always watched. I am always there... In your dreams, in your waking life, always. If you are to be loyal to me, then I will give you all you wish for.


He stopped for a moment to think.

"Sir, I..' Ametrine tried to speak.

You will need a new name, puppet.

Ametrine didn't know much, but she knew one thing: she was confused.

'Oranelle' is your new name... from now on.

"But, Sir.. What is wrong with the name I have now?"

The demon laughed.

It is too human for my liking.. It doesn't fit you as well as Oranelle does.

"What's going to happen to me, Sir?"

You will just have to see for yourself, little puppet.


Do not question me any further for now..

And remember: I am always watching you.

Then, suddenly, a chill ran up Oranelle's spine.

And she heard His laugh.

She knew she was cursed, and owned, by Him now.

She couldn't fight back.

No, her body was too weak..

But still, that didn't keep her from trying.


Oranelle was too shaken to watch anything else, so she shut her laptop and went to bed

"no matter how hard i have to try..' she spoke. "I will get out of His grasp."

"even if it takes me my whole lifetime, I'll do it"

Him: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now