The Deviant Magician

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*Oranelle's POV*

"Do you know who is listening to us, Master?" Marvin asked quietly.

"Not exactly. Go see who it is."

"Yes, Sir."

Suddenly, a cloud of white smoke appeared in front of me.  Out of it walked Marvin, and when he saw me, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and hissed: "You! Why are you here? Tell me!" I could see him conjuring up something in his other hand. "Wait, please!" I begged. "Henrik told me to find you and give you this message!"

"Henrik? I thought he was dead.. here, give me the message."

"I am injured very badly and cannot walk. SOS..." Marvin read the message aloud. 

He sighed. "I can't just leave him on his own. He'll die! It doesn't matter if he's a doctor or not. I'm his brother. And any time he needs help, I'll help him.  I promised him that a few years ago and I'm not gonna go back on it now." 

"Are you coming with me? I might need an extra set of hands.." Marvin asks as he looks at me. 

"Of course..' I smile. "now, we should hurry.. Henrik needs us." 


As Marvin and I appeared in the room, we found Henrik still sitting in the chair, but he was facing away from us, his head down as if he'd dozed off.

"Henrik?' I spoke. He was silent. "Henrik..are you alright?" Still nothing. I walked over in front of him to see his face better, and when i knelt down to see his eyes, they were completely black. My heart dropped as he smirked, like a demon that'd just successfully possessed his prey. 

"Hello, sweetheart..' He chuckled. 

It was odd: Henrik's voice, but Master's brain.. like a mad doctor.

"Mad.. you say? Bold thing to say out loud. Because if I remember correctly, at the start of all this, you said that ' will get out of my grasp.."

"Well, let me tell you a secret:

He stood up (broken ankle seemingly healed) and grabbed my throat, pinning me against the wall.

"Listen and listen well, puppet. Once I have given you your strings and your new name, there is no going back.."

He let go of my throat, and I fell to my knees at His feet, coughing.

"Do you understand now, puppet?"

"Yes, Sir" my voice was scratchy from coughing so badly, and there was a lump from trying to hold back tears.


And with that, He left. Leaving Henrik confused and tired. I sat up to find Marvin in the corner, silently crying.

So I joined him.

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