Save Them

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I woke up on a cold concrete floor. Before I could even stand and get myself situated, He spoke:

"This is a maze. The others are scattered throughout it. You'll have two hours to find them all. I think that should be long enough.. don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. I'll be watching you, puppet."

"Now, save them."


The first person I found was Henrik. 

Still breathing..good. Some of his bruises had faded away, but I still had to be careful.

"Doctor? Can you hear me? It's Oranelle."

After a few seconds, he woke up with a terrifying gasp.

"Oh God, Oranelle.." The doctor's voice was hoarse. "Where are we? What's-" he was beginning to panic, and it wasn't helping. "Doctor! with all due respect, we are being timed and I need you to move your ass." I sighed. "We need to find the others, quickly."


Henrik and I had been running through the maze for about fifteen minutes when we ran into Chase, who was sitting with his back against the wall, shaking. I knelt down in front of him, and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Chase..' I spoke softly to him as I told him we needed to hurry and find the others. I could tell he'd been crying. He was sniffling and his eyes were red and swollen.

But he smiled at me as he stood up, fixing his cap on his head. "Alright. Then let's not waste any time standing around! Come on!"


We were just about to reach the end, I could feel it.

I could see Jameson just down the hall from us, when suddenly a clock chimed somewhere above our heads..and He began to laugh. Within seconds, He appeared in front of us, and spoke:

"How awful, dear puppet.. It seems you've run out of time."

And with a wave of His hand, we were transported to the base of the clock, where the others were. We were all tied to posts, and almost all of us were scared. But Marvin, he had an idea. With one thought, the magician appeared behind Him.

"Puppet..' He spoke again.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Here, now."

"Yes, Sir."


I knelt down at His feet, then suddenly He grabbed me by the throat and held me down on the hard concrete.

"You know something, little puppet..' He hissed.

I choked as I struggled for air.

"Tell me what you know." He whispered, his tone still holding anger.

He took His hand away from my throat and stood up.

"Marvin, Sir. he was planning to hurt you. This.. this is all I know." I choked out.

"Marvin.." He laughed as he turned to face the magician.

"Well then, brother." He hissed again. "You want to fight? Let's fight. "


Him: Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz