
31 2 1

"Mom what's going on?" I ask again fighting to control the anger in my voice.

"Sweetie.." My mom sighs "let's go to the living room Olivia you come to."

I feel so confused and angry. My mom told me my dad died a long time ago! Why would she lie to me?

I follow my mom and the man who's supposedly my dad to the living room and Olivia holds my hand. She looks up at me and I see the tears of confusion in her big blue eyes.

Olivia is adopted we got her when she was 2 years old but of course I don't remember it. I definitely consider her my sister though. No one would realize that she was adopted because we look startlingly alike. And yes she knows she's adopted.

My mom takes a deep breath before she begins;

"Katy, Olivia you are real blood sisters." I gasp and I ask stuttering


"Your father never died. He left because he had to go in the war and we decided you shouldn't know about him because he wasn't going to be there much and we didn't want you worrying but he served 20 long years in the army and is now able to come home."

I take a few seconds and let it all sink in. Olivia is my real sister, my dad is alive and in my living room!

I take a deep breath.

"Mom how is Olivia my sister when we never saw dad after I was born?"

I had a million questions to asks her- to ask them both.

"Remember 7 years ago when I went to visit your aunt Trisha?" She asks me.

"Yes I remember you went and came back with Olivia as a surprise."

"I was actually visiting your father and we had a baby."

It all made sense now that as seven years ago and Olivia is seven..


Okay so... Sorry for the short chapters but I will start making them longer! :) votes and comments please!!

Pink bows and sparkles,


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