Taylor Nelson

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I got to the airport around 6:00 with Olivia my Mom and my Dad. I was still confused about my dad a little and I was angry at my mom for lying, but they said we could talk after my trip so I decided to focus on my trip to Hollywood.

The pilot tells us we can now board and I turn to my family.

"I love you honey!" My mom says. She has tears in her eyes threatening to spill as she hugs me

"Love you too mom!" I reply

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Olivia says. I hug her and pat her blonde curly hair.

"Me too." I tell her

Then I look to my dad.

We awkwardly embrace each other and I look at my family.

"Bye!" I say and they all say goodbye back to me.

I turn my back and board my plane. I end up sitting with a nice girl named Ashley Parks. She has long brown curls and big glossy brown eyes. She's very pretty.

"I wonder if I'll see you there at all you seem so nice! Are you staying In a hotel?" Ashley asks

"Nope" I say popping the p. "I'm staying with my best friend Taylor."

"Oh that's great! I hope I see you!" She exclaims. She's very bubbly.

The plane ride takes all day because I live so far away and I chat with Ashley until we fly over Hollywood.

I am in awe. It's beautiful with a the lights. I've never been here before. Its too amazing for words.


When we land I say goodbye to Ashley and we exchange phone numbers. I text my mom and let her know i'm alright.

I scan the crowd of people waiting outside and I see a familiar face framed with long blonde hair like mine.

Its Taylor!!

"Taylor!!" I squeal and she runs to me. We hug and she says:

"I missed you so much!!"

"I would miss me too I'm fab!" I joke.

"I know you are!" She says."Let's go to my house we need to catch up!"

I nod my head and we get in a taxi that takes us to her house.

Her 'house' is more of a manchine. It's by the beach and it's huge! This couldn't get any better.

She takes me inside and we get my room set up.

We talk for a bit in the living rom and I tell her all about my parents and we hug.

Then we joke around for a bit and she suddenly becomes very serious.

"Listen Katy, I need to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything." I tell her.

"This is going to be over whelming, but I have to tell you. No one but my family knows, but I think you can handle it."

This worries me. She only rambles on when something's wrong.

"Katy, I have cancer"

Hollywood, Celebrities, and Taylor NelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin