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"What!?" I'm shocked, Taylor with cancer? It doesn't make sense.

"It's genetic my mom had it too and she passed away." She tells me.

"Taylor.. I'm so sorry I promise you that you will..get through this.. I will here." I say in between sobs.

Soon we are both crying and hugging as we sit in the couch.

"How long have you known?" I ask her.

" I found out 2 weeks ago- it's been so hard. I start getting treatment tomorrow." She tells me.

All I can do is cry and kept hugging her.

We sleep in my room that night together.


Good thing Taylor's family has money because the treatment is very expensive.

I sit beside her as she lays in the hospital bed and they start injecting needles not her. I see the fear in her eyes. I hold her hand through the whole thing.

"Does it hurt?" I whisper after the doctors and nurses leave.

She smiles weakly and says "only a little from the needles."


I sit by her all morning and then I hear her tummy grumbling.

We giggle and I ask her if she wants some food.

"As long as it's not hospital food." She says. I get up and leave.

Before I made it to my car I start shaking. I sob quietly and sit in the curb.

Someone sits beside me.

"Are you okay?"he asks.

I look up and see a cute guy around my age sitting beside me. He looks worried.

"N-no" I say as I continue crying.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I don't know why I did this because he was a stranger but I tell him all about my life.

" my best friend is lying in that hospital dying of cancer and I can't do anything about it!" I yell.

"I'm sorry" I say " you probably don't want to hear this."

"No it's fine, I know what you're going through." He tells me.

"You do?" I ask

"Yea u umm have cancer too, but I don't have a friend to help me through it."

I look at him sympathetically and his face is moist with tears.

"I'll be your friend." I tell him.

He smiles at me and thanks me. " where are you going?" He asks

"To get lunch for Taylor and I. Wanna come?"

He says sure and hops in my car with me.

He grins and says "for all you know I could be a serial killer."

"I could too!" I say laughing. Something about home makes me trust him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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