Will to live

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A/N: This will be a very depressing story, hopefully with a happy ending :)

Rated M because of strong language and mature themes. (Lawlu)

Depression isn't easy. Law knows everything about it. Depression is the silent killer, it's a pain that's too much to cope with, too hard to deal with and so misunderstood. You can't escape it no matter how hard you try, because it follows you around like a black shadow that's on the inside, eating you

You walk around like everything is fine, hiding your feelings behind a mask. You keep it all to yourself. After all, it's not like anyone cares. 

But that's how it has always been. Being rejected by too many people, including his own family. He had no one left in this world. For ages he had been alone. His sister and uncle had died before his eyes. There was nothing he could do. He was useless.

The weight of everything seemed to press down on his shoulders and he struggled to take even a single step forward. It was too much. All of it. The darkness grew darker, the pain grew sharper, all of it seemed to only grow in strength. He always had some hope left, hoping that one day, it'll be better. That one day, he would feel happiness again. 

But that day never came.

He eventually lost his will to live. What's there to live for? No one would miss him if he died. No one even knows he exists.

He'd be better off dead.

So now here he was. Standing on some tall building. He'd been searching the whole day, trying to find a building with access to the roof. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find one.

He walked over to the edge and looked down for a few seconds.

Law then closed his eyes, he inhaled and exhaled. He wondered how long it would take to hit the pavement. He knew it would kill him instantly. 

But he was ready.

To take his own life.

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