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He heard a panting voice coming from behind. Was there really someone trying to stop him? He turned around as he heard the person approaching.

"What are you doing?" 

The voice came from a small boy, judging by his looks and clothing style, he must still be in high school.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"  The man sighed, was this kid stupid?

"You're not going to jump right?" Law could see the worry in his eyes.

He didn't answer as he turned away to look at the ground.

"What's your name?" The small person asked.

"Why would that matter?" Couldn't he just kill himself in peace? Was even that too much to ask?

"Well I'm Luffy! So now that you know my name, you have to tell me yours too!"

"Can you leave? What are you doing here anyway?"

The boy, Luffy apparently, moved closer and stood beside Law. "I saw you from down there" he pointed at the ground below them. "You were standing really close to the edge and I thought you were going to fall so I rushed up here to save you!"

Law sighed again. "Well maybe I want to fall."

"But.. you'll die if you jump from so high."

"That's exactly the point." Seriously? Could this kid be any dumber? "You can leave now." He gave the boy a glare, hoping he would go away.

"I'm not leaving." He said, almost as a matter of fact. "I'm not going to let you die!"

"Why would you care? You don't know me." Why was he wasting his time with this kid?

"You seem like a good guy" Luffy smiled at him. Why was he smiling? In a situation like this?

"Please just leave."

"I just said that I'm not going to leave you." Luffy crossed his arms as to prove he wasn't going to change his mind.

"You can't just.. jump! That would be suicide!"

"No shit." He muttered to himself as he looked at the ground below them.

 Wouldn't it be easier if he just jumped already?  

Missing piece (LAWLU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang