Satisfied (Angelica's pov)

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I sigh. I generally enjoy parties, but I'm exhausted. Ever since me and my sisters walked through doors, the numerous soldier boys practically trip over themselves to ask for a dance. Although flattering, it's honestly kind of draining. I'm just about to suggest we leave when I glance across the room.

Damn. He's cute. I look around, making sure my sisters are occupied. I love them, but Eliza's a hopeless romantic and Peggy flirts with anything on two feet. They're both busy, so I walk across the room to him. He glances at me and his eyes- vivid blue, almost violet eyes with a playful glint to them but also a deep intelligence. Score.

"Hi," He says, smiling. "What's your name?"

"I- um, An- Angelica," I stutter, my face burning. Thankfully, he ignores my awkwardness.

"Alex Hamilton." He bends down to kiss my hand. "Would you like to dance?"

I agree and we join the dancing. I've taken ballroom since I could toddle, so know the steps, and to my surprise, he does, too.

"So," I begin. "What brings you to the Winter Ball?"

It's as if I've flicked a switch. His entire demeanor changes from cocky and charming to nervous and unsure. He misses a step but quickly recovers.

"Unimportant," Alex mutters, and hastily changing the subject adds, "What about you?"

"My dad sends me and my sisters to every party in New York," I respond, twirling under his arm. "For a 'proper female education' or something."

Our conversation continues smoothly, comments and witty jokes bouncing effortlessly off each other. After the dance, we sit off to the side and talk. I'm completely absorbed in Alex's rant on the unfairity of presidential debates, until dessert is announced and we leave for the dining hall together.

"I mean, what if the best presidential candidate happens to not be a democrat or a republican, and we would never know because they aren't allowed to participate in the debate, therefore preventing the public from knowing their platform, which completely affects everyone's votes, and I-" Alex pauses, looking embarrassed. "Sorry."

"No, I totally agree!" I exclaim. Finally someone understands me. Anytime I mention these points, people laugh and dismiss me, claiming girls 'not worry over such things'. "If you don't know what all the candidates stand for, how can you make an educated vote?"

He looks overjoyed. When we reach the dining hall, I see my sisters and excuse myself to say hi and tell them about Alex. Eliza's gonna be super happy; she's constantly trying to set me up.

"Liza! Peggy!" I call to them, waving. Everyone's talking, so I give up on trying to get their attention and instead push my way through the crowd to them.

"Hey, guys, guess wh-" I stop. My sisters haven't seen me yet, and I'm about to call to them again, but Eliza's expression stops me. Her eyes are wide and she's absolutely oblivious to her surroundings. It's not the first time I've seen this look. Liza's in love. I smile: maybe this one she'll actually stay with.


Eliza jumps slightly and blinks as if waking from a daydream and looks around.

"Oh, hey Jelly," She says.

"Who ya lookin at?" I ask. She blushes and shakes her head. "Come on, Liza, you can tell me."

She blushes again and looks up. I follow her gaze and my stomach drops when I see who she's looking at.

It's Alexander.

No. This can't be happening. I thought, I knew Alex would be perfect for me. Looking back at Eliza, I realize with absolute dread what I have to do.

I force a smile and start to walk back to Alex telling her, "Wait here."

Eliza looks terrified.

"Jelly, what are you doing?" She asks tentatively. I wave her off and continue to make my way across the room him.

He grins when he sees me. "Hey."

"Hey," I say, hating and loving myself for what I'm about to say. "Come with me."

He looks hesitant, but follows me anyways.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to change your life!"

"Then by all means, lead the way." *insert Lenny face*

I can't help but feel like this is a bad idea. I love my sister more than anything, but I still can't help but think about how perfect Alex and I would be together. We're both headstrong and independent and love to argue about pretty much anything.

"Eliza Schuyler," Liza says, her face even redder than before. "It's nice to meet you."

"Schuyler?" Alex asks, looking amused.

"My sister," I explain.

Of course. It's not a secret, I hear people say it all the time- You marry a Schuyler: you're rich. I really want to believe Alex isn't in it for the money. Maybe this is why I'm introducing him to Eliza- she's so much better for him, or anyone, for that matter, than I am.

Conversation isn't flowing between them like it was with us, so I step in.

"So, Alex, what do you do for a living?"

"Oh," He stands up straighter, obviously proud. "I'm a lieutenant colonel for the United States Armed Forces."

Eliza looks impressed. "Thank you for your service."

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it," Alex says, smirking slightly when he kisses her hand as he did mine. Eliza eyes go wide and she turns a furious shade of pink.

"I'll leave you to it," I laugh nervously, my voice breaking. I walk quickly to the doors and push them open, running to the gardens. Running through the courtyard, I attract several odd looks, but keep moving. When I reach the secluded pond at the edge of the gardens, I collapse on the stone bench and press my hands against my face, trying to stop the tears that pour down my cheeks. I'm being ridiculous. I should be happy for Eliza, she deserves someone like Alex. I know Eliza, I know her like I know myself- she's the kindest, most trusting person anyone will ever meet. And I know if I tell her I love him, she'd immediately claim she doesn't have feelings for him. He'd be mine. Eliza would insist she's fine - she'd be lying.

I make myself stop crying pathetically and go back inside. I find Peggy and mumble a lame excuse before leaving again. The house isn't far, so I walk, trying to convince myself that Eliza and Alex are a good couple.  At least Liza will be happy. At least I keep Alex in my life.

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