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Their previous argument had been forgotten as they began to reminisce about the old days. Jungkook and Yoongi had been friends for as long as either could remember. Then Jimin and his step-brother Hoseok moved to their city—Busan. As the years progressed, the four became best friends and eventually moved to Seoul as a quartet after Jimin and Yoongi received backlash for their relationship.

In Seoul they found life to be easier, as nobody really paid attention to the actions of others in the large metropolis.

"Taehyung said that he confessed to you, but wouldn't tell me what came of it," Jimin said suddenly, staring at Jungkook intensely. "Clearly not much since you're still hung up on that bitch, but I want to know!"

Jungkook sighed, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Taehyung was a friend they met in Seoul and frequently hung out with them. Well, at least he used to. "I was honest with him. I'm still in love with Haemin. Plus, I'm straight."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Don't knock it until you try it," he muttered.

"I like girls!" the younger insisted, keeping his yell to a minimum as he was painfully aware of the others surrounding them in the Starbucks. "Why am I the only straight one in our group?"

The older responded, but Jungkook's gaze was drawn to a new presence in the room. His eyes widened slightly as he scanned her over, taking in her sweater not much unlike his own that gave way to jeans and boots to keep her warm; her face that was stoic and composed, giving only little insight to the fact that she was upset. Or angry. Maybe both. He couldn't tell.

"....and that's why you—" Jimin paused, furrowing his eyebrows as he realized that Jungkook was in a different world. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?"

As the younger still didn't respond, he followed his gaze that was fixed on something behind him. Jimin turned around to see, immediately realizing that he was staring in wonder at the woman standing in line. She was clutching the stem of her suitcase tightly, full lips pursed a bit as she stared at the floor.

"Ah." He smirked. "I see." The lack of response from the other prompted him to kick him under the table.

Jungkook jumped in his chair, eyes flickering to the older. "Ow!"

"Go talk to her!"

He shushed him, ducking his head down toward the surface of the table, wishing he could disappear. "No! She looks kind of angry. a..." He searched for the words while examining her face again. "Like a beautiful...dragon woman."

Jimin burst out laughing, which grabbed attention from almost everyone in the store—including the dragon woman. Jungkook was still looking at her. Their eyes met for a moment, but he found himself quickly looking away in embarrassment, sinking into himself further in his chair as his face flushed.

"Sorry," the older managed through broken giggles. "Come on, now she knows you exist at least. Go say hi."

The younger shook his head vigorously, noticing that she had averted her gaze as well, having gone back to staring at the floor. "No."

"I thought you said she was beautiful," he teased.

"She is," Jungkook admitted quietly. "But I'm trying to win Haemin back. It's easier than starting over with a stranger, anyway."

Jimin sighed, his earlier playfulness dissipating. "Is that the only reason you keep going back to her? Because it's familiar?"

Jungkook didn't answer him, but only because he knew that the answer was yes. Haemin was his high school love—the only person he had ever shared his whole self with. When he wasn't with her he felt lost. Maybe it was because she was a part of him at that point. Or maybe, it was that he attached his self-image to her. Maybe he didn't know who he was without her because he never tried to find out. Either way, he didn't want to. He didn't want to face himself.

It was easier to run away.


The next hour was spent keeping the conversation light on both sides. Jungkook made a conscious effort to ignore the dragon woman as she ordered, waited approximately three minutes and forty-two seconds according to his calculations, and left with her iced chai latte.

Jimin made a conscious effort to ignore Jungkook's frequent zoning out as he focused on the stranger and continuous disregard of what the older was saying. He knew that the younger had trouble letting go of Haemin because he had insecurities he never spoke of. Jimin was the one who was vocal about his poor self-image.

Jungkook always suffered in silence.

He also knew that Haemin had let go of the handsome young man long ago. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see through her fake smiles and the way she shied away from his touch. They were both just playing relationship chicken. It was a bit of a relief to see Jungkook's interest being piqued by someone other than his dysfunctional ex.

"It's almost time to board," Jungkook remarked with a glance at his phone screen.

Jimin nodded before pushing his chair back and standing. "Let's go."

The older walked him to the platform and gave him a big hug before sending him off on the train ride that would change him forever. He waited for the train to leave before he left himself, hoping that Jungkook would come to his senses.


Jungkook's heart pounded as he stepped onto the locomotive. Haemin would be waiting for him in Busan, the place where it all started. She loved him and that meant that everything was fine.

He placed his backpack in the overhead compartment. Nobody was in the seat next to him. Letting his mind wander, he thought that maybe the woman from earlier would sit there. He imagined them talking, but stopped himself. He loved Haemin. She loved him. It was meant to be.

He plopped down on the plush seat next to the window and rested his head on the glass. Outside, he could only see the other train tracks and the pale light filtering in through the skylight. Then someone finally sat beside him.

Jungkook turned his head, hoping to see her, but instead was met with a stoic man in expensive-looking clothes. He placed a bag with Jungkook's backpack above before sitting. The younger was about to introduce himself, but the rich man slipped a pair of dark sunglasses on and slipped a pair of earphones out of his pocket and shoved them in, blocking him out.

Whatever, he thought. He didn't want to make friends, anyway. He just wanted to see Haemin.

He continued to stare out the window as the train moved out of the station. Once exposed to fresh air, the snowflakes falling finally touched the glass that began to frost slightly. Jungkook was grateful for his black and white turtleneck that kept him more than warm.

If only it was bulletproof, too.

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