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Victoria sank into the plushness of her seat. A long sigh escaped her lips, making them part slightly. It wasn't often that she went to Busan, as she only traveled when visiting her sister. She was only going for a few days to help out.

But as she stared out the window at the platform where people waited, seeing off their loved ones, she couldn't help but think of Namjoon. He had been her rock for such a long time. Now it was as if they were strangers. She didn't know anything that was going on in his life.

It had been four years—only the day prior had he contacted her and wanted to meet.

Before she could think anymore, a body nearly slamming into hers threw her out of her own head. She only sat still for a moment, still in shock over the impact. The boy staring back at her from the seat next to hers was wide-eyed.

"Oh—" He covered his mouth. "I'm so sorry," he said between heavy breaths. It was as if he'd run all the way from Daegu. "I thought I wasn't gonna make it."

Victoria began to nod, still spooked until she noticed the train begin to move. Had she been that caught up in her thoughts?

He flashed her a box smile, extending his hand. "I'm Taehyung."

She returned the smile and took his hand. There was no denying that he was very attractive, but something about him seemed off. Even as they spoke about everything and nothing as the train began to race further and further from Seoul, something about the way he smiled and said her name and moved his lips.

Something was wrong.

It conflicted her, as he was extremely friendly and seemed genuine.

After a while, he excused himself to go to the bathroom. Victoria took the opportunity to slip away from the talkative man. It was nice to see a friendly face, but she was still down. Why did Namjoon affect her so much? Of course, she knew the answer, but instead of facing it, she pushed it into the back of her mind as she had learned in the past four years.

Asking around granted her the knowledge that the food car was exactly three cars over. It didn't take long to reach it, but it was a bit awkward stepping over bags and passing a bunch of strangers as she did. She had long discarded the iced chai latte she'd purchased at the Starbucks in the station.

In all honesty, she wasn't even hungry. She just wanted to get up and walk around. She loved the feeling of walking while in a moving vehicle. And maybe a bag of m&m's didn't sound too bad. There weren't too many people in the food car. Mostly Koreans, as always, and one dark-skinned woman who was very muscular and gave off an intimidating aura.

Victoria stood in line, the person in front of her being a tall man. He almost reminded her of Namjoon that way, but not quite.

He turned around when he felt a presence behind him, but turned back. Then he turned around again with furrowed eyebrows. She returned his gaze, realizing why he was staring at her. That was the boy with the loud friend in Starbucks.

She gave him a knowing smile, snickering slightly when his eyes widened and cheeks flushed as he turned back to face forward.

"I don't bite, you know," she teased.

He faced her this time, a small nervous laugh leaving him. "You sure? You look like the biting type."

Victoria couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up. He smiled at this, face lighting up in an innocent way she hadn't witnessed in a long time. It seemed that youth and happiness were long gone for her, but here was the epitome.

"How old are you?" she asked without thinking.


She nodded slowly. "I see."

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