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Jungkook was pretty confused the entire time, but the foreigner woman was in deep conversation with Victoria. The others were just as confused as him and had worried little conversations of their own. He was relieved when the foreign woman finally nodded and stepped back. Victoria turned to the group, ready to relay the information.

"Here's the plan. We get into a formation with her at the front and someone strong in the back just in case those two come after us." She discreetly nodded toward the two men whispering on the other side of the room. "But if we move fast enough, it shouldn't be a problem. She's in the United States Armed Forces, so I think we're in good hands."

A collective sigh of relief left the group at her words. "Who's gonna be in the back?" the old man asked. Victoria scanned them. The old man, skinny teenager, mother and child, Jungkook.

She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of another way—one that wouldn't put him in danger. But before she could come up with anything, Jungkook lifted his head to hold her gaze steadily. "I'll be in the back."

"That would be the best option," the mother said, almost clutching her young son to her small frame.

The foreigner said something to Victoria before she could protest. "When she says 'go', we run." After the translation, she took the front. The woman and her child were just behind her with the old man. The teenager was pressed close to them. Then Victoria was facing Jungkook at the back.

"Are you gonna be okay?" she asked worriedly.

Jungkook smiled shyly, looking down at the floor for a moment. "Don't worry about me. I'm not as weak as I look, you know."

"You don't look weak." Her eyes flashed with something unreadable. "But weak or strong—a gun is a gun."

"I'll be fine."

The foreigner took in a deep breath. "Go."

She rushed at the door and threw it open before continuing, the others hot on her heels. Nine and Four shouted as they rushed out of the room. Looking ahead, Victoria could already see that they had entered the next car. Then a sound made fear shoot through her.


But they were coming from the next car. Jungkook shut the other door and placed both hands on Victoria's arms as they entered as well. There was another masked man and he had already opened fire on them when they ushered in. The foreigner was on the ground. Victoria watched him shoot the mother. The child screamed until he was shot in the head only moments later—before his mother's dead body hit the ground.

Victoria was frozen with fear. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. Blood was everywhere. Bullets were flying. One flew right past her head. Then she was roughly pulled backward. She still couldn't process anything, even when Jungkook shoved her into one of the bathrooms and locked the door after getting in himself.

The room was only filled with heavy breathing from the adrenaline. Victoria had one hand on the sink to steady herself as she stared numbly at nothing in particular. Jungkook closed the toilet lid and sat on it before covering his face with his hands. All he could picture was the people falling to the floor like flies. Their lives were taken so easily. There was so much blood.

He didn't want to think about it. He swore he would cry if he didn't distract himself at once. "Um," he started, lifting his head and bringing his hands away. "So why are you going to Busan?"

Victoria only stared at him. Her eyes were haunted—as if this wasn't the first time she was seeing someone die. She sighed deeply and leaned against the counter. He could see turmoil in her bright eyes that were downcast.

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